@edmaul69 Sweet, I was looking for something like this before. After some testing I have noticed something. When turning on the Pi or rebooting it with cables plugged in for different controllers, I can have them set in their respective ports 0,1,2 etc and my PS3 controller will not become JS0 it will become whatever light is shown on the PS3 controller i.e. JS1 it will be player 1 on the controller light.
If I reboot and unplug every wire so the USB ports are empty and connect it to blue tooth as it's booting, my controller blinks for a bit then stops and shows no lights. I've had this happen before on macs and the controller still works even though it's not indicating a "player." When the controller is like this it is JS0.
So it appears that if you want your PS3 controller to be JS0 and not JS1-4 potentially, you need to connect it as it's booting through bluetooth with nothing else plugged in the USB ports.