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    2 Posts

    @mathan416 said in Amiberry - Using --model when launching:

    Amiberry on RetroPie does not bring up the proper model with the appropriate ROMS, etc.

    The entries in emulators.cfg are meant to be toggled manually, from the runcommand menu, by the user. They're not assigned automatically when you run a game.

    However, if you're using the default amiberry emulator (i.e. no model), then it will attempt to guess the model needed based on the filename launched.


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    @mitu worked great! Speakers are installed and volume sounds great! Thanks!

  • Save game override

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    If it may be of help for anyone else i found a solution, even though it's not optimal. If i edit the game override file that was created and add:

    input_overlay_enable = "true"

    then the overlay is displayed. So, now i need to manually edit all the config files that should have an overlay which is not optimal but atleast it works. What i don't understand is why RetroArch don't add this line by itself when i save a game override with the overlay option turned on.

    You can find more information about this at:

    When everybody else activate overlays and save, do you get the input_overlay_enabled added automatically?

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    I had the same problem, but with my controls being turned 90° in th setup screens. Seems like those screens don't care about ES' controller configuration, but that can be easily fixed by connecting the joystick's microswitches in the "right" order on the encoder – if you're not using its single Sanwa port, that is.

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    37 Posts

    Fine tuning the list... know what I need for the most part, just pricing sites and seeing who has stock, but a few small items I gotta get off eBay.

    I was looking at something like this as a power indicator light, hook it up to the GPIO so when pressed it launches a shutdown cmd and when the Pi is shut down, LED goes out.

    Of course, 12V... so can I put something like this in between? Or will the Pi have enough to power the LED just maybe half as bright? This video implies that the 12V LED will work though... has links in description showing the same button on Amazon as well as others... (link below)

    Then at the back, I wanted a power button like this. Then I can use a regular computer cord, and a master power switch to cut power to both the Pi and the USB Hub else the case fan would run non-stop. Plus, bonus fuse, which in a small area like here with constant power issues, may be a good idea.

    80mm fan I think may need to be running off the USB hub, which may be a pain and just worth grabbing a 30mm RaspPi fan that runs off the GPIO instead so when I press the power button on the front of the console, the fan shuts off when the Pi shuts off. Then just leave the power running to the hub which probably won't hurt anything I don't suspect.

    Any feedback? Once sorted, I hope this time tomorrow, I'll have everything on order.

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    6 Posts

    hey mate, i'm stupid.
    i wiring alla exactly buttons and joy of player 1 in player 1 side of xin mo.
    and player 2 in p0 side of xin-mo.
    i unmount all wirings, and so, i after swap all wiring:
    player 1wired to p0 side
    player 2wiredto p1 side

    joystick of player 1 and 2 in up and down movements WORKS,
    select and start of p1are swapped after mapping and reboot,
    select and start of p2the same swapped after mapping and reboot,

    i can fix this about swapping select and start of player1?

    here my cmdline.txt

    # code block dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait quiet loglevel=3 logo.nologo consoleblank=0 usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x040 plymouth.enable=0
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    9 Posts

    I tried to do the same actions, and then I tried to fix it by this tutorial but it didn't help me anyway. what else could you suggest? thanks

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    11 Posts

    Just a quick update on the situation.
    As barbudreadmon recommended I updated my romset for the games that would run only with the pifba emulator and now I can play them with the lr-fbalpha emulator! Which again doesn't need any further controller settings since I had everything done already.
    It did not solve my issue with the pifba but updating the romset made it unnecessary to fix.

    Thanks again for the quick help. I think I'll go grab a beer and start playing.