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    6 Posts

    @when_suddenly said in PiGRRL Zero troubleshooting adding roms:

    The problem is none of the emulators show up on boot. I looked at another form for this issue and apparently they had their "Parse Gameslists only" option set to on... however I cannot even access that option in the emulation station main menu. The "other settings" tab is completely missing.

    That means you're using a very old EmulationStation (and possibly RetroPie) version. Emulators not showing up on boot means also that they're not installed. Looking at the date of the installation document, it's from 2016, so it looks like they're using an old image.

    Use the image from retropie.org.uk/download and we can provide support, otherwise ask the provider of the image for help.

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    7 Posts

    @dankcushions My main worry was that the msu-1 file will get entangled with other files, especially if I was to add ,ore msu hacks, but this is more of my paranoia. I also thought it would be more tidy, but if it adds more clicks and I can't use lr-snes9x anyway, I guess I'll pass.
    Thanks for your help!

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    5 Posts

    @mitu @mitu
    Sorry for the late reply, I didn't get notified for some reason.
    I ended up using WinSCP, but I prefer it much less than the file share.
    I'll try the registry fix and will report ASAP

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    22 Posts


    I have now solved my issue and will try and explain what I did (In case someone else goes through the same problem)

    So what I was trying to do was to connect a Windows 7 computer or a Windows 10 computer to the Raspberry Pi over the network so I could easier send files between my Windows computers and the Raspberry pi.

    What you need to do is to activate protocols in regard to network on the computers: that they are allowed to send information , that they are visible etc. You also need to make sure you have enabled SMB on the windows computer.
    Then you need to follow this tutorial on this link, this link was the final puzzle piece that solved it for me. =)

    Ps. If I have time I will see if I can post a more in-depth tutorial.

    Thank you
    @mitu for you many replies and thank you
    @yfzdude for your input as well =)

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    4 Posts

    @moltke44 I think you've been bitten by this change in Win10 which disables the guest browsing of shares, specifically for Enterprise and Educational versions of the OS. That's why for me (Win 10 Professional) still works, but not for you.
    You can try the workaround described here, which I wouldn't recommend, especially if your computer is domain managed and there are security policies in place. Another option is to disable guest access in the RetroPie file sharing service (Samba), but that's a little more involved and it's not so straightforward.

  • Can't Transfer ROMS via USB

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    8 Posts

    Hmm, I tried to plug in the keyboard but it doesn't seem to be working either, looks like it is the USB connection that's bugging out. Not sure what could be causing this, since none of the wires are shorting with each other, but I'll ask about it on the Adafruit forums. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!

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    2 Posts


    (1) Is your Pie on the same network as your computer?

    (2) What username and password are you using for WinSCP? It should be username: pi password: raspberry

    (3) The Host name on WinSCP should be the IP address of your Pie... (You can find that by using the ShowIP function located in the RetropieConfiguration area...

    (4) You can also use a Windows 'file explorer' window to talk to the RP by typing in // IP address (making sure it is recognizing it as a network instruction, and not a website)

    (5) Install RetroPieManager (one of my favorite) by following the video below. It lets you access via your webrowser, by putting in the IP address followed by :8000 . It's pretty slick, and let's you know if the files you uploaded are compatible in those folders. Only issue with it is it doesn't quite work well will large files (500mb+)