I tried the Atari route and got there in the end, it's a little tricky and I suffered with 'Bum Copy' messages a few times, but it does work.
I also tried the PSX route too and I have to admit, it's much easier.
However, the PSX route offers slightly lower quality graphics (the text for the scores at the top isn't as sharp as it is on the Atari version) but there isn't much noticeable different in-game so I think I'm going to stick with the PSX version (which also loads a lot quicker).
I might need to make some tweaks somewhere though as the PSX uses some odd keyboard controls (I'm using arcade controls on an I-Pac2) so I might need to remap something to make it easier to use.
But, it works!!!
I can play IK+ !!!
This is just brilliant, absolutely bloody brilliant!
Thanks everyone :))