• System Optimization question

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    It can be pretty daunting, but mitu explained very well the configuration autosaving schema for retroarch.

    For retroarch cores, I will usually create configurations by-core. and these are mainly preferences, and not a lot that I do for optimization. These being like how i want to map a sega 6 button controller to my gamepad, or if there is some feature i like to use on this core.

    Then there are certain games which may require something specific to be configured, or optimization as needed. And so I will create a configuration for that specific game. I've probably spent the most time configuring PSX games like this, some games not supporting dualshock/analog need to be configured to use digital pad, or vise-versa if you want to use analog on supporting games and digital is the default.

    Depending what to consider optimization, there is a lot to take on, sometimes ive been driven to the point to learn a little bit of shell script to streamline an arduous task done by hand. I think mainly if you get stuck on something don't be afraid to ask in the appropriate channels. I got a lot of support and answers from searching all over the web about specific things that only one person was ever asking.

  • SDcard optimization

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    Interesting question, I've been using a Pi 3B+ with a 32GB Class 10 Kingston microSD card, running Retropie 24/7 for more than two years. I've not experienced any trouble at all. Most of the time, the Pi is idle, between gaming sessions and using Kodi a few hours per day. Writing speeds and fsck reports look good too.

  • Manual install question

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    Ok thank you for that.
    I just wasn't sure if the same bug was in stretch and that the documentation had not been updated, as the documentation also stated that bug before retropie moved to stretch in april.

  • 4 Votes
    29 Posts

    The RetroPie-setup script updated today and now I can't update lr-snes9x from source with the PGO changes. Anyone else having this issue?

    EDIT: Found the problem. So it seems like there's a limit to how many games you can profile, otherwise it will crap out during compiling the optimized core. I probably profiled 15-20 games, so I think it's better off to just go with 5-10.

  • Emulating n64/psx on netbook

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    @arcade said in Emulating n64/psx on netbook:

    So the fact that I'm running 32bit retropie with a 64bit OS is irrevelant

    Yes, as far as performance is involved. You'll not get a considerable boost from running an x64 system.
    Experiment with the games you'd like to run and see how well they run, but even on more powerful machines N64 emulation is not perfect, so don't expect miracles here.

  • Removing unused features

    Ideas and Development
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    The only flags I might consider would be a define to disable building in video support or not if it was done cleanly - but this wouldn't be used for RetroPie, but it could be useful for people building from source who wanted to exclude them (someone requested this on the issue tracker I believe).

    I have no issue with current compile time, nor do I think flags/defines for enabling/disabling features would be much use. I wouldn't accept any PR for such things without being convinced why we would need it.

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    @mrbwa1 Great I'll keep an eye on that list-

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    @JasoThePaso You can't remove posts after a certain period - but if you have resolved the issue or know the cause, you can just reply with the solution for others to see etc.