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    @mitu thank you! Never thought about that route. I’ll get right on that and post results.

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    @Smeg this is why we have it disabled by default. see https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/Input-Lag#unsupported-tweaks. on a pi4 there seems to be the CPU headroom to disable it on the 16-bit cores at least, but i've not done extensive testing.

  • Snes screen kinda tearing

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    Something to try is setting the aspect ratio within the emulator to PAR or 8:7 rather than 4:3. I've noticed this removes alot of shimmering on my setup, it might alleviate the screen tearing you are observing.

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    Top time is something like that, Kirby Samurai is a minigame, randomly the screen flashes: !!! and you press a button as fast as you can to respond. So long as you aren't cheating, and you give yourself enough chances, and you're not impaired, if you can't beat your top score; then you have a good personal idea of the input lag.
    So you get (input lag)+(legitimate human factor)=(top time)
    My best time on a real nintendo was 8,11 average, 13-8,11 = "5,2" the input lag and time measurements, might be per frame, I dont know, 5,2x .06 = 300,120ms { + runahead 1 frame } = 360,180ms. You can divide that result by two because we are experiencing an input and an output lag: ~90ms does that sound about right?

    Run-Ahead didn't work as well in kirby-superstar, more framedrops, I forgot what I did to get it up to speed, maybe it was a The second run-ahead, but it kind of seemed contradictory, so I thought it was a fluke but I did get a higher score.

    Run-ahead on SMW I thought it felt a lot better when I got it up to speed, v-sync needed to be on or else scrolling looked terrible in one trial. I overclocked and I adjusted the audio latency, and used different cores but I wasn't compiling my test results so I don't know.

    I'm back at it again though, now that I've stabilized my overclock. I may just browse the web forums and raspberry pi stuff for a while.

    EDIT: Oh yeah! you can read my edit history on my previous posts, I tried to compile as much of it as I could but it is pretty much just as disorganized and I was embarrassed as I can just go on and on as I don't know what I'm doing.
    EDIT2: Actually I can't figure out how to read edit history.

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    @sirhenrythe5th out of curiosity, how are you connecting your pi to the crt, and any considerations or experiences regarding games with different resolutions, etc. Does it all work out as in the old days, everything full screen, etc? Does pal and ntsc have an impact? I remember that ntsc games in my pal system would flicker.

    Happy to move to a separate thread if more appropriate, apologies. Just curious.

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    I found the problem (or just one solution atm). There is something that libretro does not like in the driver implementation. Now I can fully play the Super Mario in the PC browser and on Android Chrome in my smartphone.

    Sorry for the noise and thanks for your time, but hopefully everyone will benefit from this once I have made a demo.

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    I just wanted to say...I love Lufia 2!

  • Audio Device Setting SNES.

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    @mitu said in Snes9x2010 No video, Audio only:


    I know what happened now. Considering I just moved back. I had it originally hooked up to a PC LCD monitor, that's must of triggered incorrect video input. I removed current state video settings and chose default retropie settings. I'm HAPPY Now, thank you. Currently using an HDTV. I want to update to Stretch, but going to wait a few more months. I already heard about people trying update to Stretch and causing a bit of mess.

    I will talk about the neogeo video issue soon when I get better. Overall neogeo works, but very picky what's going on, it just scrolls awkward, just imagine a tray of domino square pieces moving from left to right.

    I did choose to enable "Verbose logging" like you said and nothing really happened no video signal message that tv usually says.

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  • Audio Issues for Ir-Snes9x.

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    Lr-snes9x is more accurate and uses more resources than lr-snes9x2010. The pi may not be able to keep up with a more accurate emulator. The popping is just the emulation pausing for a split second waiting for the cpu to keep up. To our ears is sounds like a crackle. So even if it’s delaying a frame or 2 which may not be notable to our eyes, our ears can hear the delay. Stay with snes9x2010 as it runs most games fine.