• Skyscraper request: tg16 platform

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    I got it working, basically. inputFolder=, et al, were the answer.


    # ... [pcengine] # use "tg16" folders for pce/tg16 titles inputFolder="/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/tg16" gameListFolder="/home/pi/.emulationstation/gamelists/tg16" mediaFolder="/home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/tg16" cacheFolder="/home/pi/.skyscraper/cache/tg16" # importFolder="/home/pi/.skyscraper/import/tg16" # ...

    Then I moved everything around in my filesystem to match these changes.

    This allowed me to point .emulationstation/es_systems.cfg at the roms/tg16 folder and still have the gamelists display correctly in ES. I did have to clear out the tg16 videos from my media folder (symlinked to ones in cache/pcengine that no longer exist) and build the gamelist one more time to fix the links but after that, it works fine!

    cacheFolder and importFolder don't really affect the gamelist end result, I just included them so that if a proper tg16 platform ever is added, everything will already be in the right place. (Edit: Setting importFolder gave me an error that the path does not exist when I tried to --cache edit on a rom. Even though it doesn't exist for any of the other systems either, but since this one is defined specifically I guess it really wants it to exist. Commenting out that line eliminated the error.)

    There was one more hitch. The runcommand launch art doesn't use the <image> file defined in the gamelist, but rather looks for a file matching the rom's name, in a folder matching the system name called by the run command (in es_systems.cfg). The original solution, that I had done with Genesis/Megadrive, was just to symlink the media folder to one matching the run command named system. But in the interest of completeness, I now decided to go the other route and just change the run command to call the proper system instead. So I changed _SYS_ pcengine to _SYS_ tg16 and then all I had to do was copy the /opt/retropie/configs/pcengine folder to tg16 (symlinked, so as not to duplicate data unnecessarily. I could have just renamed them, but keeping the links intact for the config and rom folders, allows me to retain the dual nature of the systems, while simultaneously keeping it hidden beneath the surface.)

    Now I guess the only problem is it works so well on the surface, I keep forgetting and trying to use -p tg16 by accident :-S

    Edit: well there was a little more under the hood work involved in getting the system(s) fully switched over. Both emulators.cfg and retroarch.cfg reference a system folder, so I scrapped the symlinks and just renamed the config folders, then replaced all instances of "megadrive" or "pcengine" with "genesis" and "tg16" in those files. Bonus: I learned about the sed command:

    sed 's/<old_text>/<new_text>/g' <file>


    sed 's/\/pcengine\//\/tg16\//g' emulators.cfg

    ...prints the result to stdout. (I wanted to match the string /pcengine/ and not just pcengine just in case it was in an emulator's name or something. It looks like they all just said "pce" but it doesn't hurt to make sure.)

    You can pipe it to an output file with > <file> e.g.

    sed 's/\/pcengine\//\/tg16\//g' emulators.cfg > emulators.cfg.new


    sed -i 's/\/pcengine\//\/tg16\//g' emulators.cfg

    ...modifies the original file with -i or --in-place.

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    @quicksilver I can do VERY minor graphic changes. I'll have to take a look at where that's at and see about changing it.

  • Change # of Players to images?

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  • TG-16 Mini Theme Issues

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    yeh haha, i reckon the devs will get on it at some point now the worlds heading into a new place

  • PC Engine build

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    @ruckage Not fan of these emulator boxes. There are way too many other emulation boxes that do a better job like the Nvidia Shield TV. Original OEM Hardware will always be the best and can never truly be replaced. You can use your carts, flash carts, HDMI adaptors, original pads, pheriperals, no lag, and no glitches. Ps i’m looking for parts to repair my PC Engine let me know if you plan on selling the original motherboard.

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    @marukotenada the poster hasn't been here in 4 years - there's a slim chance it will reply back. Please don't bump old topics - open a new topic instead and explain your issue.

  • gamelists not working after edits

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    well I feel like a dolt,

    seems that it was that at some point I did a find and replace on the .zip files to match my .7z roms, then I guess when I went back in to edit I did a find and replace on the .bin files and changed them also to .7z.... I guess that was confusing it. Thanks for the help simonster, thats a nice command I didn't know. I've got it working again.

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    I copied the syscard-file only in the bios-folder and didn't change the names of my cues and bins.
    Everything runs fine.

  • TG16/PC Engine on Pi Zero?

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    Good to hear. If you get some time, I'm sure it would help others if you could detail the solution you landed on.

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    Great! Glad you got this working correctly!

    Yes, what you put between <theme> and </theme> in /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg refers to the corresponding directory in /etc/emulationstation/themes/<CURRENT THEME>/. There is also a theme.xml file in there that it uses to know what graphics to show.

    Here's a tutorial to help you create your own ES theme: