@pjft I refer to the output result ;) Really no idea?
If I want to launch CAPCOM/TESTFILE.test then the output is
/opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/retroarch -L /opt/retropie/libretrocores/lr-picodrive/picodrive_libretro.so --config /opt/retropie/configs/segacd/retroarch.cfg "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/123456/CAPCOM/TESTFILE.test"
Line is ROMname+it's path as in Gamelist...
Is Emulatorcall
is command call via
And yes you are totally right... how to find correct emulator call :) But with a bit of investigation it is no problem. But you are totally right that are just cases no user will run in this. But I just want to show what is possible and with the knowledge collected in the last few days it seems absolutly possible to give ES the right push.
So hold on:
Consider if you terminate/shorten 123456/ in the string then you may have the full path of the rom ;) and now compare it to es_systems.cfg? We can parse the system out ;) and then ..... voila a launching abilty via folder navigation :)
In fact I won't use 123456/ give to more a stylish name hidden/, toxxic/or just vvaste/ :D I'm joking but it should work...