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    @rmilyard i think its the hot key button with Y on xbox controllers

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    "Also in the /opt/retropie/configs/all, there is already a file named retroarch.cfg." -> obviously. Windg told you that file is corrupted. He explained you should replace it with a non-corrupted copy.

    "mu: target" -> the command is "mv" (with a v, like in "velocity", not with a "u" like "unknown").

    "‘retroarch.cfg.rp-dist' is not a directory" -> that's because you forgot to type the space between the two names.

    Here is in 3 steps something that could help you to make less typing errors (press return after each end of line):

    cd /opt/retropie/configs/all rm retroarch.cfg cp retroarch.cfg.rp-dist retroarch.cfg

    The commands are :
    cd, like Change Directory
    rm; like ReMove
    cp, like CoPy

    Mind the fact there is, in the last line, a space between "retroarch.cfg.rp-dist" and "retroarch.cfg". Don't type "retroarch.cfg.rp-distretroarch.cfg" as if it was only one long word.

    (as sleve_mcdichael said, it's not required to remove the file in step 2, because the cp command in step 3 will delete the original-corrupted file anyway. But I think it could help you to best understand what you are doing).

  • Yabasanshiro exit game

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    @bbilford83 said in Yabasanshiro exit game:

    @shavecat OK great. That I think I can help with. Go to \retropie\configs\all\emulationstation\ and you will see an es_input.cfg file as well as an es_temporary.cfg file. If you open up the former, you'll see a list of all the controllers your setup currently will recognize and their mapping. Each one will be introduced with a line that looks something like this: " <inputConfig type="joystick" deviceName="8BitDo SN30 Pro+" deviceGUID="05000000c82d00000261000000010000">." Now open the temporary one, and you will see it will only list one controller. Replace whatever is in there now with the correct controller info from es_input.cfg, then save.

    At least for me, that fixes the emulator mapping in yabasanshiro so I can exit again, but I've had to do it again anytime I connect a different controller to my pi.

    Thanks, I'll give it a try.

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    @mitu OK I figured it out. Fist i got into Stargate on RetroPie and re-assigned the game controls to different keys using Tab. "Input, this game". F is fire, T is thrust, H is hyperspace, 1 is player1 start, 2 is player2 start, S is smart bomb, I is inviso, R is reverse, arrow up is UP, arrow down is DOWN. This makes my head easier to remember. Then I went back into EmStation, disconnected the USB gamepad and reconfigured the keyboard as main controller. I set key 1 as Start and key 2 as Select. I also set key T as B and key F as A. Down at the bottom of the configure menu I left hotkey blank and when asked, I selected Yes. I also went into RetroArch/Settings/Input/Hotkey Binds and made sure Press Quit Twice is set to OFF. So to exit the game now I press 1 and 2 together and it brings me back to EmStation. And when the Pi is in the cabinet (hooked up to iPac2), I can work through the EmStation using the Stargate control buttons and never need a keyboard or gamepad again.

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    @mitu ah, ok. thanks for the speedy reply. Think I'm gonna splice in some extra buttons to player 1's start and select and place them front and center so users can share the exit buttons...

    Appreciate ya help : )

  • I Can't Escape Games

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    @MyFartSoTart Please don't bump old topics - open a new topic and explain your issue, adding the info about your setup as detailed in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first.

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    @saddlepiggy The script provides a generic power button. Just connect your latching button to pin 5 and 6 then you can power down and restart the Pie. The command switch is --generic

    Or you can write your own script. I modified the python script for the NesPi+ to demonstrate usage

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    @g6delta No problem, I hope it solved your problem

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    Righto - I've gone ahead with a work-around solution. I mapped ESC to both "enable hotkey" and "exit retroarch" so that a single button-press will do both. I don't need the hotkey to do coin-drop, so it's win-win.

    Guess I ought to solder some buttons on for those coin drops as well as TAB, huh? Anyhow, case closed!

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    @simply-austin said in Exiting a Game from a Keyboard with no Escape Button....:

    I am starting to loose patience with both @psyke83 and @BuZz . I have been nothing but reasonable on here and yet even still each post is just another personal attack on both me and my reputation.

    I don't understand your reply, Austin. I have not attacked you - personally or otherwise - or impugned your reputation. In fact, I was not trying to make a value judgement on anybody's stance on the topic of piracy. However, when we are representing the RetroPie project, we have an obligation to distance ourselves from casual discussion of the topic like I see on many sites, YT channels, etc.

    All this over a simple request for help on a simple tech issue? Not once even a "sorry, slight over reaction there".... instead just an echo chamber of "you are damaging RetroPie and Emulation.".... "But dont take it personal", we dont mean any of these sly digs, things taken out of context to try and move away from the fact you was just asking for help. To map a ESCAPE button....? "again, its not personal, not sure why you would think that?"

    Come on man, the topic clearly veered off topic, after you resolved your original issue. The attention from moderators came because your post was flagged, and since you ignored @buzz's original request on your channel, he used this opportunity to talk to you about the promotion of compromised ROM-laden images.

    You can police and talk about anything you want, its most definitely your forum. But when you make things personal, use double standards with your own platform and idiolagies, try to use things as ammunition on YOUR public platform to justify your villainy of me and complete over reaction to this... I do take it very personal.

    You are free to continue using this forum as long as you don't break the rules. If you were to post a YT video that talked about third-party images with pirated ROMs, in the same way as the video cited earlier in this topic, we would have to take measures by at least removing the links. We were simply trying to open a dialogue with you on the potential problems. We were not making a judgement on your character.

    Would you like it if I did the same on my platform, treating you guys as exactly how you have treated me in public?

    Please try to read our dialogue with you charitably, just as we're trying with you. We never insulted you, and I'm sorry, but we did not make any kind of judgement on you personally, but only some of your past content. If we saw people attacking you on our forum, we would take action to prevent harassment.

    Maybe you should be aware that people who post to your Facebook page are making personal attacks on members of this forums, using slurs such "c*** wombles". Those kind of ad hominem attacks are not really helpful, wouldn't you agree?


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    @jbob101 should be select+start, or hotkey+start if you changed the hotkey.

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    Working great now Zig! Thank you so much.
    Is there any chance the kiosk mode version could get merged into the main release version? I think these features are absolutely core features and would love them to be the new base minimum.

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  • Using a Single Button to Exit Games?

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    Thank you for the info. Very educational and very much appreciated!!

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    pifba is the only emulator works with start+select to exit.

    Here is my joypads retroarch config:

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    Awesome thanks marky.

  • Exit button?

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    It's all in the wiki should you wish to read it...

  • Exit Emulator Issue

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    @graf look at the info below. If you print 3 backticks on the line above and below your code it will come up correct. Or if you leave a blank line above and below your code and press the spacebar 4 times in front of each line it will do it to. Dont put four spaces in front of lines that are runoffs from the line above it. Notice there is only two backticks. I left the third out so it doesnt do it. The one after it is with 3 backticks. I dont know how to do backticks so i use spaces. I cant find them on my keyboard.


    code block

    print '3 backticks or'
    print 'indent 4 spaces'

    code block print '3 backticks or' print 'indent 4 spaces'