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    Not a supported system (is it even related to RetroPie ?), ask the scammer that sold you the system to provide assistance.

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    A quick history of MAME in nine minutes:

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    @luckyluca said in Why separate Neo Geo system from Arcade?:

    When making a copy of the core options to neogeo-core-options.cfg and changing to AES as suggested, should I also copy and add all fbneo core lines (there are plenty including lots of per-game dipswitches, one for each game executed)?

    It's been a while when configuring it, I had just copied the entire file and made it act like an independent emulator. I actually don't know if RetroPie or fbneo will look for in "/opt/retropie/configs/fba/" first, if you load up a game from Neo Geo systems folder. If that is the case, then you can only include the differences you want to have in "/opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/neogeo-core-options.cfg" . If RetroPie requires you to have two different files, then you are probably out of luck.
    Or you can try to use the "include" statement on top of the neogeo-core-options.cfg to point to the file from fba. But I don't know if this works.

    As a sidenote, when looking through my old Raspberry Pi 3 installation backups, I don't see any neogeo-core-options.cfg files anymore, but retroarch-core-options.cfg. Not sure if the tutorial is outdated. Sorry for the late reply and I hope you get it working.

    Also, would it be problematic using a rom not ending with h in AES neogeo mode?

    Not at all. This was just my personal decision to use these specific versions of the ROMs. Although I couldn't spot any differences tbh

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    @John_RM_70 said in What is Video Game Preservation?:

    They had the original Hammer "The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)". That was great. Acting was good. Next week it's Christopher Lee's movie that made him, "Dracula (1958)".

    I love the two series originals and 'The Revenge of Frankenstein' is definitely a great followup to 'Curse'. Most all of the movies from the two franchises are pretty good and have that great Hammer feel. A particular favorite of mine is 'Dracula Has Risen from the Grave'. I own them all except for 'Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell'. I thought about doing a marathon of my favorites over Halloween, but time got away from me. I'll have to check and see if I get the Horror Channel you mention. It sounds great.

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    @meleu @cyperghost The export did the trick. It works now and doesn't break the other menu controls. 😄 Thank you for all the effort and explanations. I learned a lot today, as may others who stumble upon this thread, too.

    I edited my opening post to a mere reference to @meleu's solution. 😌

  • FBA, how do I do these things?

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    @Eckaji the soundtarcks for mortal kombat, outrun, final fight, moonwalker, nbajam and double dragon optional if the user wants them the option can be turned on add off in the option menu so no need to delete the samples if you want the original arcade sounds. Its just an added feature to make the games come to life a little more. Flac support has been added recenty as well to save on space

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    @braiden While both are RPGs, the focus and gameplay, practically everything in the game is different. Like if you would compare Overwatch to Call of Duty, both FPS genre, but drastically different mechanics. Said that, Final Fantasy games live from its atmosphere, characters and epic single player story. And the game mechanics are often very interestingly done. PokeMon is more like a multiplayer game. First, it does not have a epic story or characters like a Final Fantasy game. The main focus more like searching, collection, training your monsters. And also fighting and trading with others is integral part of the series. Probably everyone knew it already, but I just feel like bringing it up here.

    @beyonslay I am a bit suprised you mention this game, because I thought of retro only. But you are absolutely right, this Zelda game is probably one of the most important games to play. I still did not, as I don't own a Switch. But I will play it for sure, maybe this year.

  • RetroPie History

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    @thedatacereal said in RetroPie History:

    Well, I hope that has it's own story worth telling , haha.

    Turns out, in a bizarre twist worthy of M. Night Shyamalan, my pants were never actually there.


    That was indeed a great podcast. The only thing it was missing was Samuel L. Jackson showing up at the end and recruiting the guys for the Avengers. Thanks for linking that and as always, thanks to the whole team for all the work they do. Your efforts should be showcased more often.

  • History of the Dpad

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    Great video! I'm a big fan of Gunpei Yokoi. The electro-mechanical games he designed for Nintendo before they got into the video game business are also a marvel and worth looking into for anyone unfamiliar with them. For example, the original 1971 'Duck Hunt' was played in the lanes of converted Japanese bowling alleys and the original 1974 'Wild Gunmen' had people shooting "real" cowboys on 16mm film. Just about everything he designed was a stroke of genius.

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  • The History of Nintendo

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    @lilbud I see 😀