• NC/NO Power Switch Setup

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    Okay. See that's where my lack of knowledge becomes difficult/dangerous. I was hoping that the GPIO logic would be able to simply read the difference between two pins being (shorted?) or not and code would have been able to just assign parameters to what to control in each circumstance without all the extra circuitry.


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    @sleve_mcdichael ah I'm an idiot. I forgot to run the game before running the cat command. Will be back!

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    3 Posts

    @sleve_mcdichael I see, I did not know that. I have not messed with Attract Mode before but I was told I would really like it as I am wanting a easy front end for when friends play my arcade cabinet.

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    @gold64 Works for me in caps, but have edited anyway for extra safety, ta.

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    one things,, new report

    my emulator.cfg is here

    ikemen-go-nightly = "XINIT:/opt/retropie/supplementary/ikemen-go-nightly/ikemen-go.sh %ROM%"
    ikemen-go = "XINIT:/opt/retropie/supplementary/ikemen-go/ikemen-go.sh %ROM%"
    default = "ikemen-go-nightly"

    and, run .mgn on emulation station,display this.

    "No config found for system mugen"

    Which place do i check and fix??

    es_systems.cfg here

    <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 PORT mugen %ROM%</command>

  • 1 Votes
    7 Posts

    @Nicxiv Now I can play Buck Rogers Planet Of Zoom. Thanks!

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    @mitu That's more a typo than a full-on spelling error, though.

  • 2 Votes
    18 Posts

    This is still somewhat confusing as it has you editing files that may not even exist and aren't accessible by the default samba shares. Also, leaving out that chmod step was very bad. I may need to write my own better guide if nobody else has made a simple one.

    Anyway, I did this over ssh to make es_systems.cfg accessible so I could open it in Notepad++ on Windows

    sudo cp /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/

    I also had to do

    sudo chmod -R 0777 /opt/retropie/configs/all/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg

    in order to allow me to edit it. This is not easy stuff for dum-dums. It needs a script really. People who just want to play Pico-8 games cannot understand all this arcane wizardry.

    Also had to switch to using pico8_dyn

    I shouldn't have to choose between running the pico8 cartridge directly versus running splore. I should be able to do either one, anytime. How do I fix this?

    (later edit) More recent guide here: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/30736/how-to-install-pico-8-on-a-raspberry-pi-3-or-4-for-dummies-2021-version?_=1627524066426

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  • Can't get Brutal Doom to work

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    This is the way i used to get it to work. Maybe you can get it working as well. I must warn you that this is a long time ago since i last tried Brutal Doom with Zdoom on my RetroPie.

    Go to opt/retropie/configs/ports folder and create a new folder called brutaldoom.
    Copy the emulators.cfg file and the zdoom.ini file from the doom folder in the opt/retropie/configs/doom to the brutaldoom config folder. (Notice this might need sudo command in terminal)

    Paste this into the new zdoom.ini file in the brutaldoom config folder so that it will replace the original text.

    # This file was generated by ZDoom <unknown version> on Sun Aug 13 13:59:52 2017 # These are the directories to automatically search for IWADs. # Each directory should be on a separate line, preceded by Path= [IWADSearch.Directories] Path=. Path=$DOOMWADDIR Path=~/.config/brutaldoom Path=/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom # These are the directories to search for wads added with the -file # command line parameter, if they cannot be found with the path # as-is. Layout is the same as for IWADSearch.Directories [FileSearch.Directories] Path=~/.config/brutaldoom Path=/usr/local/share/ Path=$DOOMWADDIR # Files to automatically execute when running the corresponding game. # Each file should be on its own line, preceded by Path= [Doom.AutoExec] Path=/home/pi/.config/brutaldoom/autoexec.cfg [Heretic.AutoExec] Path=/home/pi/.config/brutaldoom/autoexec.cfg [Hexen.AutoExec] Path=/home/pi/.config/brutaldoom/autoexec.cfg [Strife.AutoExec] Path=/home/pi/.config/brutaldoom/autoexec.cfg [Chex.AutoExec] Path=/home/pi/.config/brutaldoom/autoexec.cfg # WAD files to always load. These are loaded after the IWAD but before # any files added with -file. Place each file on its own line, preceded # by Path= [Global.Autoload] # Wad files to automatically load depending on the game and IWAD you are # playing. You may have have files that are loaded for all similar IWADs # (the game) and files that are only loaded for particular IWADs. For example, # any files listed under 'doom.Autoload' will be loaded for any version of Doom, # but files listed under 'doom.doom2.Autoload' will only load when you are # playing a Doom 2 based game (doom2.wad, tnt.wad or plutonia.wad), and files listed under # 'doom.doom2.commercial.Autoload' only when playing doom2.wad. [doom.Autoload] [doom.doom2.Autoload] [doom.doom2.commercial.Autoload] [doom.doom2.bfg.Autoload] [doom.doom2.plutonia.Autoload] [doom.doom2.tnt.Autoload] [doom.doom1.Autoload] [doom.doom1.registered.Autoload] [doom.doom1.ultimate.Autoload] [doom.doom1.bfg.Autoload] [doom.freedoom.Autoload] [doom.freedoom.demo.Autoload] [doom.freedoom.phase1.Autoload] [doom.freedoom.phase2.Autoload] [doom.freedoom.freedm.Autoload] [heretic.Autoload] [heretic.heretic.Autoload] [heretic.shadow.Autoload] [blasphemer.Autoload] [hexen.Autoload] [hexen.deathkings.Autoload] [hexen.hexen.Autoload] [strife.Autoload] [chex.Autoload] [chex.chex1.Autoload] [chex.chex3.Autoload] [urbanbrawl.Autoload] [hacx.Autoload] [hacx.hacx1.Autoload] [hacx.hacx2.Autoload] [harmony.Autoload] [square.Autoload] [square.squareware.Autoload] [square.square.Autoload] [LastRun] Version=211 [GlobalSettings] gus_memsize=0 midi_dmxgus=true gus_patchdir= midi_voices=16 midi_config=timidity.cfg snd_efx=true snd_aldevice=Default wildmidi_enhanced_resampling=true wildmidi_reverb=false wildmidi_frequency=0 wildmidi_config= fluid_chorus_type=0 fluid_chorus_depth=8 fluid_chorus_speed=0.3 fluid_chorus_level=1 fluid_chorus_voices=3 fluid_reverb_level=0.57 fluid_reverb_width=0.76 fluid_reverb_damping=0.23 fluid_reverb_roomsize=0.61 fluid_threads=1 fluid_samplerate=0 fluid_interp=1 fluid_voices=128 fluid_chorus=true fluid_reverb=true fluid_gain=0.5 fluid_patchset= opl_core=0 opl_numchips=2 timidity_frequency=22050 timidity_pipe=90 timidity_mastervolume=1 timidity_byteswap=false timidity_8bit=false timidity_stereo=true timidity_reverb=0 timidity_chorus=0 timidity_extargs= timidity_exe=timidity snd_mididevice=-2 spc_amp=1.875 mod_dumb_mastervolume=1 mod_autochip_scan_threshold=12 mod_autochip_size_scan=500 mod_autochip_size_force=100 mod_autochip=false mod_interp=2 mod_volramp=2 mod_samplerate=0 mod_dumb=true snd_sfxvolume=1 snd_backend=openal snd_output=default snd_buffersize=0 snd_samplerate=0 snd_musicvolume=0.65 snd_waterlp=250 snd_midipatchset= snd_output_format=PCM-16 snd_speakermode=Auto snd_resampler=Linear snd_waterreverb=true snd_hrtf=false snd_buffercount=0 snd_driver=0 opl_fullpan=true vid_tft=true m_showinputgrid=false m_show_backbutton=0 m_use_mouse=1 show_messages=true mouse_sensitivity=1 map_point_coordinates=true vid_aspect=0 vid_nowidescreen=false vid_refreshrate=0 vid_vsync=false vid_defbits=8 vid_defheight=480 vid_defwidth=640 Gamma=1 statfile=zdoomstat.txt savestatistics=0 snd_flipstereo=false snd_channels=8 r_columnmethod=1 r_quakeintensity=1 cl_predict_lerpthreshold=2 cl_predict_lerpscale=0.05 cl_predict_specials=true cl_noprediction=false telezoom=true r_fakecontrast=1 chase_dist=90 chase_height=-8 gl_cachetime=0.6 gl_cachenodes=true nomonsterinterpolation=false png_gamma=0 png_level=5 screenshot_dir= screenshot_type=png screenshot_quiet=false use_joystick=true autosavecount=4 disableautosave=0 autosavenum=2 smooth_mouse=false m_side=2 m_forward=1 m_yaw=1 m_pitch=1 lookstrafe=false freelook=true invertmouse=false cl_run=false demo_compress=true cl_waitforsave=true save_dir= longsavemessages=true storesavepic=true nofilecompression=false cl_capfps=false defaultiwad= queryiwad=true con_ctrl_d= con_buffersize=-1 showendoom=0 bgamma=1 ggamma=1 rgamma=1 vid_forcesurface=false vid_displaybits=32 vid_adapter=0 mouse_capturemode=1 m_filter=false m_noprescale=false use_mouse=true vid_winscale=1 fullscreen=true vid_maxfps=200 [GlobalSettings.Unknown] midi_timiditylike=true [Doom.Player] wi_noautostartmap=false playerclass=Modern stillbob=0 movebob=0.25 neverswitchonpickup=false gender=male team=255 skin=base colorset=-1 color=00 00 ff name=Thomas autoaim=35 [Doom.ConsoleVariables] r_drawfuzz=1 vid_nopalsubstitutions=false snd_pitched=false menu_screenratios=-1 snd_menuvolume=0.6 show_obituaries=true am_showmaplabel=2 crosshairgrow=false crosshairscale=false crosshairhealth=true crosshaircolor=ff 00 00 crosshairforce=false crosshair=0 st_scale=true paletteflash=0 hudcolor_stats=3 hudcolor_statnames=6 hudcolor_xyco=3 hudcolor_ttim=5 hudcolor_ltim=8 hudcolor_time=6 hudcolor_titl=10 hud_berserk_health=true hud_armor_green=100 hud_armor_yellow=50 hud_armor_red=25 hud_health_green=100 hud_health_yellow=50 hud_health_red=25 hud_ammo_yellow=50 hud_ammo_red=25 hud_showlag=0 hud_timecolor=5 hud_showtime=0 hud_showammo=2 hud_showweapons=true hud_showscore=false hud_showstats=false hud_showitems=false hud_showmonsters=true hud_showsecrets=true hud_althud=false hud_althudscale=2 st_oldouch=false cl_maxdecals=1024 cl_spreaddecals=true transsouls=0.75 wi_showtotaltime=true wi_percents=true dimcolor=ff d7 00 dimamount=-1 hud_scale=false allcheats=false r_stretchsky=true r_shadercolormaps=true screenblocks=10 r_deathcamera=false cl_showsecretmessage=true cl_bloodtype=0 cl_pufftype=0 addrocketexplosion=false cl_missiledecals=true cl_doautoaim=false cl_bloodsplats=true cl_showmultikills=true cl_showsprees=true r_maxparticles=4000 r_rail_trailsparsity=1 r_rail_spiralsparsity=1 r_rail_smartspiral=false cl_rockettrails=1 dlg_musicvolume=1 sb_teamdeathmatch_headingcolor=6 sb_teamdeathmatch_enable=true sb_deathmatch_otherplayercolor=2 sb_deathmatch_yourplayercolor=3 sb_deathmatch_headingcolor=6 sb_deathmatch_enable=true sb_cooperative_otherplayercolor=2 sb_cooperative_yourplayercolor=3 sb_cooperative_headingcolor=6 sb_cooperative_enable=true nametagcolor=5 displaynametags=0 language=auto compatmode=0 vid_cursor=None wipetype=1 dehload=0 chat_substitution=false chatmacro0=No chatmacro9=Yes chatmacro8=I'll take care of it. chatmacro7=Come here! chatmacro6=Next time, scumbag... chatmacro5=You suck! chatmacro4=Help! chatmacro3=I'm not looking too good! chatmacro2=I'm OK. chatmacro1=I'm ready to kick butt! lookspring=true con_midtime=3 msgmidcolor2=4 msgmidcolor=5 msg4color=3 msg3color=3 msg2color=2 msg1color=5 msg0color=6 msg=0 con_alpha=0.75 con_scaletext=0 con_centernotify=false con_notifytime=3 con_notablist=false cl_bbannounce=false am_followplayer=true am_textured=false am_ovthingcolor_citem=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_item=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_ncmonster=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_monster=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor_friend=e8 88 00 am_ovthingcolor=e8 88 00 am_ovsecretsectorcolor=00 ff ff am_ovinterlevelcolor=ff ff 00 am_ovtelecolor=ff ff 00 am_ovunseencolor=00 22 6e am_ovcdwallcolor=00 88 44 am_ovfdwallcolor=00 88 44 am_ovefwallcolor=00 88 44 am_ovlockedcolor=00 88 44 am_ovotherwallscolor=00 88 44 am_ovspecialwallcolor=ff ff ff am_ovsecretwallcolor=00 88 44 am_ovwallcolor=00 ff 00 am_ovyourcolor=fc e8 d8 am_thingcolor_citem=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_item=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_ncmonster=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_monster=fc fc fc am_thingcolor_friend=fc fc fc am_secretsectorcolor=ff 00 ff am_interlevelcolor=ff 00 00 am_intralevelcolor=00 00 ff am_lockedcolor=00 78 00 am_notseencolor=6c 6c 6c am_xhaircolor=80 80 80 am_gridcolor=8b 5a 2b am_thingcolor=fc fc fc am_efwallcolor=66 55 55 am_cdwallcolor=4c 38 20 am_fdwallcolor=88 70 58 am_tswallcolor=88 88 88 am_specialwallcolor=ff ff ff am_secretwallcolor=00 00 00 am_wallcolor=2c 18 08 am_yourcolor=fc e8 d8 am_backcolor=6c 54 40 am_showthingsprites=0 am_showtriggerlines=false am_showkeys=true am_drawmapback=1 am_map_secrets=1 am_customcolors=true am_colorset=0 am_showtotaltime=false am_showtime=true am_showitems=false am_showmonsters=true am_showsecrets=true am_overlay=0 am_rotate=0 [Doom.LocalServerInfo] sv_corpsequeuesize=64 forcewater=false sv_smartaim=0 sv_disableautohealth=false sv_dropstyle=0 compatflags2=0 compatflags=0 [Doom.UnknownConsoleVariables] [Doom.ConsoleAliases] [Doom.ZBloodKeys.Bindings] c=+ZBSWIMDOWN j=use jumpboots m=use portableMedikit [Doom.ZBloodKeys.DoubleBindings] [Doom.Bindings] 1=slot 1 2=slot 2 3=slot 3 4=slot 4 5=slot 5 6=slot 6 7=slot 7 8=slot 8 9=slot 9 0=slot 0 -=sizedown Equals=sizeup tab=togglemap t=messagemode LeftBracket=invprev RightBracket=invnext enter=invuse ctrl=+attack `=toggleconsole shift=+speed \=+showscores ,=+moveleft .=+moveright alt=+strafe space=+jump capslock=toggle cl_run f1=menu_help f2=menu_save f3=menu_load f4=menu_options f5=menu_display f6=quicksave f7=menu_endgame f8=togglemessages f9=quickload f10=menu_quit f11=bumpgamma f12=spynext sysrq=screenshot pause=pause home=land uparrow=+forward pgup=+moveup leftarrow=+left rightarrow=+right end=centerview downarrow=+back pgdn=+lookup ins=+movedown del=+lookdown mouse1=+attack mouse2=+altattack mouse3=+zoom mouse4=+speed joy1=+reload joy2=+crouch joy3=+jump joy4=+use mwheelup=weapprev mwheeldown=weapnext mwheelright=invnext mwheelleft=invprev dpadup=togglemap dpaddown=invuse dpadleft=invprev dpadright=invnext pad_start=pause pad_back=menu_main lthumb=crouch lshoulder=weapprev rshoulder=weapnext ltrigger=+altattack rtrigger=+attack pad_a=+use pad_y=+jump w=+forward a=+moveleft s=+back d=+moveright c=+crouch e=+use r=+reload joy5=weapprev joy6=weapnext joy7=+altattack joy8=+attack [Doom.DoubleBindings] [Doom.AutomapBindings] 0=am_gobig -=+am_zoomout Equals=+am_zoomin p=am_toggletexture f=am_togglefollow g=am_togglegrid c=am_clearmarks m=am_setmark kp-=+am_zoomout kp+=+am_zoomin uparrow=+am_panup leftarrow=+am_panleft rightarrow=+am_panright downarrow=+am_pandown mwheelup=am_zoom 1.2 mwheeldown=am_zoom -1.2 [Doom.Player.Mod] bd_shotgunstrap=0 bd_lowgraphicsmode=0 bd_bloodamount=2 [Doom.LocalServerInfo.Mod] bd_disabledecorations=0 bd_isnazilevel=0 zdoombd_shotgunstrap=0 bd_nobulletpenetration=1 isrunningzandronum=1 zdoombrutaljanitor=0 zdoombrutalblood=2 bd_classicmonsters=0 [Doom.BrutalDoomActions.Bindings] q=kickem g=grenadetoss joy9=grenadetoss pov1left=grenadetoss j=unreloader [Doom.BrutalDoomActions.DoubleBindings] [Doom.BrutalDoomInteractions.Bindings] h=brutaltaunt pov1up=brutaltaunt v=wave1 pov1right=wave1 i=wave2 m=advtaunt k=oneliner pov1down=oneliner [Doom.BrutalDoomInteractions.DoubleBindings] [Doom.BrutalDoomAdvMoves.Bindings] z=roleft x=roright [Doom.BrutalDoomAdvMoves.DoubleBindings] [Joy:JS:0] Axis2map=0 Axis3scale=0.4 Axis3map=1 Axis4map=1

    Create a folder called "brutaldoom" inside /home/RetroPie/roms/ports folder
    Download latest brutaldoom from moddb.com and extract the brutaldoom files into that brutaldoom folder

    Create a new runcommand/launch sh file and notice the commands that is meant to refer to the location of the files to launch brutaldoom.

    #!/bin/bash /opt/retropie/ports/zdoom/zdoom +set fullscreen 1 +set freelook 1 -config /opt/retropie/configs/ports/brutaldoom/zdoom.ini -iwad /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/DOOM.WAD -file /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/brutaldoom/brutalv20b.pk3

    Sorry for the long post. Hope this helps. :-)

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @Kaydenmario8 Depending on the emulator, some use 480p by default and you can't change it I think. There are two different resolution, one for render and one for output.

  • RetroArch Mirror Mode

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    16 Posts

    @dankcushions said in RetroArch Mirror Mode:

    is an ES issue? presumably once you've loaded the game, it's now a game issue. there doesn't seem much point in fixing it in ES if there's no a solution for the games as well. never mind if you load the command prompt/retropie-setup menu...

    With HDMI, you can flip the screen horizontally (and I think vertically), to give an image of everything that will look the right-way around when viewed in a mirror.

    With component/SCART output suitable for a CRT TV, you can use a RetroArch shader to get the image flipped and rotated so it works perfectly in a mirror too (see this forum post). This is good, but obviously, all the menus, the screensaver (easier to fix) and general RetroPie/ES menus are the wrong way around. It would be very nice to find a fix for that last piece of the puzzle.

  • 1 Votes
    14 Posts

    I followed this tutorial's steps and managed to get my BT speaker working.
    The problem was that after reboot, the speaker failed to connect.
    After searching the web for a while, I ran across this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/334386/how-to-set-up-automatic-connection-of-bluetooth-headset
    Please see the proposed solution.
    Best regards, Luís

  • 9 Votes
    42 Posts

    @luckyluca said in Why separate Neo Geo system from Arcade?:

    When making a copy of the core options to neogeo-core-options.cfg and changing to AES as suggested, should I also copy and add all fbneo core lines (there are plenty including lots of per-game dipswitches, one for each game executed)?

    It's been a while when configuring it, I had just copied the entire file and made it act like an independent emulator. I actually don't know if RetroPie or fbneo will look for in "/opt/retropie/configs/fba/" first, if you load up a game from Neo Geo systems folder. If that is the case, then you can only include the differences you want to have in "/opt/retropie/configs/neogeo/neogeo-core-options.cfg" . If RetroPie requires you to have two different files, then you are probably out of luck.
    Or you can try to use the "include" statement on top of the neogeo-core-options.cfg to point to the file from fba. But I don't know if this works.

    As a sidenote, when looking through my old Raspberry Pi 3 installation backups, I don't see any neogeo-core-options.cfg files anymore, but retroarch-core-options.cfg. Not sure if the tutorial is outdated. Sorry for the late reply and I hope you get it working.

    Also, would it be problematic using a rom not ending with h in AES neogeo mode?

    Not at all. This was just my personal decision to use these specific versions of the ROMs. Although I couldn't spot any differences tbh