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    @sirhenrythe5th wow i didnt know that ;D

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    @mitu yes

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    10 Posts

    @pescaglini said in Lots of little niggles with my Superior console:

    Thank you all so much for your replies, especially Steptoe, some great advice there dude so thank you for taking the time.

    It’s strange that the supplier put me in contact with this forum as if it was specifically for their own product. Although I am learning with PI and the builds, I am pretty tech savvy so no doubt I can rectify these problems with the advice given and some time researching.

    Thanks again guys!

    You know, there are so many similar posts around here from people in your situation, people buy a pre-made system that doesn't work right and come here expecting to be spoon-fed. But what is really, and I mean REALLY refreshing here, is your attitude - sure, you have been sold a bit of a pup but you seem to have the attitude that you will be able to learn and fix it, instead of just complaining and expecting people to jump through unreasonable hoops to help you out.

    A Pi running Retropie is a wonderful thing, so hopefully you will be able to get everything sorted easily enough, it sounds like you are willing to learn so 'welcome', and thanks for cheering me up with your positivity!

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    50 Posts

    I have just had a great idear or maybe it might be way too much outta the box loll please anyone let me know if this can be done

    I have just saw a post about someone who want to start emulationstation on his PI from ssh on his cell phone ( https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/5941/start-emulationstation-with-ssh/3 ) and that gave me this idear:

    On my laptop i am runing ubuntu ( i do not want or need ubuntu help here, that is not the question ). So what if i install retropie/emulationstation on my laptop then with my raspberry pi a could SSH into my laptop and start emulationstation then import the display back into my raspberry pi 3 or export it from my laptop to the raspberry pi 3.

    The reason of this is that since i have my PI3 since 2 or 3 months ago at most i think, it is what i am using as a multimedia for retropie and kodi and browsing the internet with raspbian with pixel. My PI3 is connected on my tv with HDMI ( that use to be my laptop setup ) but it is why i bought a PI3, to remove my laptop from tv connection and only use the Pi3 on the tv itself.

    So, since my laptop is way more powerfull then my PI3 ( witch i honeslty really enjoy everything about that credit card size box ) i was wondering if it could be better to run retropie from it but start it from my Pi3 through ssh and have it played on my tv without the need to connect back my laptop on my tv with HDMI. I know that setup would be a lot more easy as i would only need to install retropie on my laptop then connect it on the tv but....... that is not what i want.

    You guys are PRO's and i am pretty sure you can help me achieve this setup and it could be working. With that setup, i would not have any PSP and N64 lagging problem loll. My laptop has 4GB of RAM.

    Am i getting crazy with this or creative loll ???

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Could you recommend a good & cheap HDMI Touchscreen which works for RetroPie?
    from 3.5inch up to 5inch would be nice (with Case).

    Thanks in advance!"

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    40 Posts

    No insult/injury taken in the least - just appreciation! I know where the settings are, just have no clue why like 74MHz would be better than the stock 148MHz it's running. Or why some 16:9 ratio ones give me letterboxed 4:3, and some 4:3's give me 16:9 stretched widescreen. Basically just don't like messing with things I don't know 100% what they're about (unless it's a bunch of listed steps which have been used and raved about by like 100's of people and thought of as the 'way to do it'...if that makes sense...and if that was the case then it would most likely already be baked into the system in stock form ;) Admittedly Swapchain, frame delay - this I'm totally clueless about ;) I just want to play games!!

    Anyway, I'm back in this topic tonight because I found a random SD card and popped it in. It has RetroPie 4.1.5 on it from ~2 weeks ago? It was definitely built EXACTLY like all the others I've been testing (I have a checklist I go through every time).

    What's weird is NES Super Mario Bros and Adventure Island plays perfect. SNES Alien 3, DK Country, Earthworm Jim 2 play like 98% (those are my test games I always run). Now I didn't turn on the framerate counter, but I can tell these are worlds better than the 4.1.11 systems I've been messing with the past few days which are sluggish, skipping, normal then slow then normal then slow type of gameplay all the way around.

    Is there a changelog for these small incremental changes? I'm totally convinced something happened from .5 to .11 that is causing problems.

  • 0 Votes
    17 Posts

    Ok. Well, the SNES emulator should be able to run on a Pi3 easily enough. The best example I can give is Super Mario World Allstars + World. But generally, I imagine that the Pi3 should be able to run the SNES emulator without problems. I wonder if my RaspiATX card that controls the power is draining too much juice from the Pi3 thus reducing performance. Is that a possibility? I do have the switch that controls the pi from the board as an LED switch... ie it uses electricity as well.

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    9 Posts


    yep cool thanks

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    8 Posts

    @HansP Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first (start a new topic)