• R.O.B. Robot Project?

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    Check out CoinOps 8, can't post a direct link here but it's a pretty slick emulation package for the OG Xbox.

  • PS4 Emulator - RetroPie

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    @hyruleslink said in PS4 Emulator - RetroPie:

    I only overclock when I use the print document feature

    Sweet, my controller doesn't have the print button, so I think I'll not have to overclock.

  • [project] Bar top MAME

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    What parts did you use to build it with?

  • Another PiStation-project

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    Okay, this project won't go any further, as I've finalized the build. Sadly, I don't have any new pictures to show, but I got a new SCPH-9002 case, that I sacrificed for the job. Repositioned the Raspberry on the case, so that it sits pretty much in the middle of the case, installed cooler with a 40 mm fan, using the 5V line from the GPIO pins, and the cooler is attached to the board with blue tac and thermal grease and used these small copper plates to lift it up from the board components. Changed the internal HDMI-extension cable to flat-type one, so it fits inside the case easily. Last but not least, got myself a Class 2 64 Gb Sandisk SD-card, that I use to store the games internally as well. The USB hub is still there to transfer games and for kb/mouse to do services.

    Keeping it pretty much as simple as possible, it was a fun project to work with and has been working flawlessly from day one. I might do something else someday, as I have one spare Raspberry, maybe a retro PC-type of thing. :)

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    @herb_fargus said in Someone knows more about this project?:

    @Jste84 I wouldn't recommend it seeing as they are selling retropie which is in breach of many of the emulator licences

    I didn't think it was clear they were selling retropie??? They are definitely using it.. but I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that they weren't include the image.

    I'd never condone someone selling retropie. I didn't really understand the need for the topic when the website is clearly listed... I also of course would add that anyone who buys a pre-made image is missing out on the fun of this whole thing

  • My cardboard handheld setup

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    @moosepr very well.I have finished 3 gameboy games completely and no problem in sight

  • 4 Votes
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    Been awhile since I've updated on this project. Ran into some hiccups and progress has slowed. The dvd drive was unstable as it wasn't getting enough power, adding a powered usb hub and a separate power supply to help with this. However unless I get help from a programmer I dont think Ill be getting it to play PS1 discs anytime soon, However I can still save the disc to ram or sd card so not completely useless. I recently got my psx->usb adapter soldered in would rather go gpio but couldn't get it to work.
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    Purchased an arduino nano to make ORIGINAL psx memory cards hopefully run on the pi.

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    @Wulf I hooked it up to the original power supply and the controller was still acting up. I am going to hook up my old PS2 fat and try a game out on that to see if the controllers are bugged out. If not, it's the adapter and I am in a bit of a pickle.

    UPDATE: So I hooked up the ol' fatboy and tested both of my controllers. They both work flawlessly. I dismantled the usb adapter from the PS2 slim and hooked it up to the computer, and I got similar (bad) results that were on the Pi. One controller doesn't work at all, and the other has button issues. So I am assuming the USB adapter is shit. The good news is my controllers work okay, and I don't have to buy some off ebay, the bad news is that I need to order another USB adapter....

  • Project help needed

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    if the second way works, you could get away with not having to buy new control boards for all of your systems.

  • Project help needed

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    @Luxous You will need to consider the controller interface at some point. You mentioned joysticks for each station. I take that to mean arcade style controls. If true, you probably also need arcade pushbuttons. Depending on your needs, joysticks and pushbuttons can be easily purchased from a variety of places. But what do you connect them to? I might suggest looking at Adafruit's RetroGame software that allows you to use GPIO pins for input. The software converts the inputs to keyboard keypresses. The beauty of this solution is that with just a single joystick per Pi (following my assumptions above), you don't need additional controller hardware, and you could simply wire everything directly to the Pi x6.

  • 3 Votes
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    Well done man, well one.

  • Arcade joystick suggestions.

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    @beamquaker No problem, just post any questions you have.

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    @Capeman ... with DVI is the thing... I have a 5:4 at home, got for free and only 15" but works fine. 1 VGA port only. :(

    But 4:3 I was referring to TV's... figured get a TV with speakers and HDMI and save some time, wires and money but, old pre-widesreen TV's seem to be all pre-HDMI. See a rare one pop up but, oddly high in price or such a no-name brand I don't want to bother.

    I think I'll be going 5:4 computer monitor with DVI and buying a cheap/short cable. I'll probably go on local ad pages... I'm in Canada so, lot's of those sites that have great deals, I can't take advantage of because of ship/duty. :( Shame too because you're right, some good looking 4:3's there.... at least I can use the site to quickly find model numbers for searching. I have a Dell as my PC monitor at home, quality is great.

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    @japanwings Will you make a SNES kit? Would buy instantly. (EU Snes/JP Super Famicom)

  • 4 Votes
    157 Posts

    Today I managed to test all of the components outside the case, and everything works with my test Pi. Running off the battery without a booster works just fine with a Zero.

    0_1505063029610_Photo Sep 10, 11 32 33 AM.jpg

    Cranking up the volume in RetroArch makes the piezo loud enough to hear for general gaming, even if it's not quite high fidelity.

    Everything plays really nicely now that I'm using the board where I soldered to the chip pads instead of the old "make your own test pad" method.

    Next up I need to make everything fit in the actual case. First up, removing unnecessary stuff from a Pi Zero. This looks awful, but it works. If anyone has tips on removing the USB ports, HDMI port, or camera connector in a cleaner manner, please let me know.

    0_1505063223272_Photo Sep 10, 12 53 15 PM.jpg

    Every little bit of thinness is going to help with this build.

    0_1505063257077_Photo Sep 10, 12 56 11 PM.jpg

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    edit /opt/retropie/configs/all/runcommand-onstart.sh nano /opt/retropie/configs/all/runcommand-onstart.sh` paste the following into script (it checks if the system is psx, if so, play the mp4): [[ $1 == *psx* ]] && omxplayer -o both -b --layer 10001 /path/to/your/ps1.mp4 make it executable. chmod a+x /opt/retropie/configs/all/runcommand-onstart.sh

    The video I used was found