Necro, but when you google this problem thread is one of the top results, so I'll add this here.
I was just reading that this emulator can give a performance boost over the LR version, so I decided to try it out and of course my controls don't work. I see the mention of building a config file, but I happen to have a USB keyboard installed and noted the following:
The game recognizes my analog sticks right off the bat, none of the buttons. If I press escape I get the emulator menu, which allows me to redefine the controls. The problem is, the emulator doesn't seem to recognize any button pushes from my controller. It does list it as a recognized input device (generic 360 controller)but when I select that as the device and try to define keys, it just never seems to recognize any button pushes at all. This seems like a much easier way to define the keys if there is a trick to getting it register the button pushes.
Edit: A note to future googlers: In order to configure the button presses from your controller in the configuration you need to use the A or X (PS) button to start configuring things. For some reason when I was pushing return and then trying to push a controller button it wasn't reading the configuring. After I pushed that button and then tried to configure the button it was suddenly registering them.
The only thing it is not registering is my d-pad, so I can't configure the d-pad for up/down/left/right if I want. Not sure why as that works in the lr version just fine.
It's also not registering my triggers for R2/R3