I tried this script but it is not stable and the emulation returns to the 1st screen
This script will run a program in fullscreen mode (no borders or
title bar etc) on a second monitor. It can used for many programs
and on either the primary or secondary monitor
#This is the executable file or path
This is the output of wmctrl -l for the program that we are using
This is the device name of the monitor we want to display the program on
If you want the program to be fullscreen on your second monitor
this variable should be the width of your primary monitor
Run the program , then wait a bit before carrying on
If your program doesn't load in time then try increasing this value
$PROGRAM > /dev/null 2> /dev/null & disown && sleep 3
Set the Open GL environment variables
Set the vertical blanking to on
And make sure OpenGL syncs the correct monitor
Do we want a screensaver
Set the dimensions of the program in the monitor
wmctrl -r "$NAME" -e '0,'$PRIMARYWIDTH',-1,-1,-1'
Maximize it
wmctrl -r "$NAME" -b toggle,fullscreen,maximized_vert