• Can't find IP address on preloaded xu4

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    @Clarky_gtt said in Can't find IP address on preloaded xu4:

    I have a preloaded xu4 that I installed in my modded arcade 1up cabinet. There are a couple of games that don't work in mame that I want to find working roms for ...

    We don't support 3rd party images, start with a clean Ubuntu image and install RetroPie over it, as explained in the docs.

    How can I easily add roms or find my ip so I can easily add via my laptop and network... Or that's how I understand it?

    That's covered in the docs also. Unless your laptop is running Linux, a sdcard with RetroPie cannot be read from your laptop, so you should use the network to transfer ROMs (SSH or File shares, as explained in the page mentioned previously).

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    @jamesvvic said in Could not initialize OpenGL /GLES library....:

    Found this online, maybe this will help?

    I doubt it.

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    Solved by upgrading to newer MESA driver. Tested on same environment.

    "Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: EmulationStation - v2.11.0rp-dev, built Mar 23 2022 - 21:34:05
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: Parsing XML file "/opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation-dev/resources/mamenames.xml"...
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: Parsing XML file "/opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation-dev/resources/mamebioses.xml"...
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: Parsing XML file "/opt/retropie/supplementary/emulationstation-dev/resources/mamedevices.xml"...
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: Creating window...
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: Created window successfully.
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: GL vendor: Panfrost
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: GL renderer: Mali-T760 (Panfrost)
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: GL version: 3.1 Mesa 22.1.0-devel
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: Checking available OpenGL extensions...
    Mar 23 21:52:24 lvl2: ARB_texture_non_power_of_two: ok"

    Sorry for the trouble.

  • Xu4 game video snaps/previews

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    @marcoabm did you ever figure this out?

  • XU4 usb audio.

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    Well, that was kind of expected (for lr-ppsspp), without a board to test, it's hard to make this work by just trying compile options.

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    Per another GM (Muti) on another Topic (which I had to heavily research for some reason)…

    They're not enabled for the ODROID, only for the RPI/PC. If you wish to test them, you need to remove the !mali flag from the scriptmodules' rp_flags and re-run the setup script to appear

  • 0 Votes
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    In this case, I don't know why it's not working. It's possible that I've added something else besides the step I enumerated in my previous post, but I don't think so.

  • SN30 Pro 2 Dreamcast

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  • Dreamcast Crash

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    One hour ago I removed and then reinstalled from source and the same :(

  • Amiberry and HDF Odroid XU 4

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    @mitu Is solved now if I changed the theme and worked everything. I just have in some psx games issues with te control but is minimal. Thank you for all. Now is time to play after the hard work of configuration almost 3 weeks wow!

  • Odroid XU 4 Kodi Not shown.

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    Ok thank you it works.

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    @aaronouthier said in Odroid XU4 SDL Problem Emulationstation:

    There is no retropie.cfg file in that location.

    You can create the file and add own_sdl2=0 in it, so RetroPie-Setup will use the distro's SDL packages instead of trying to build its own.

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    Thank you @mitu for all help. I almost finish my image from other posts you helped me to solve. In the case of the game pads I write a solution worked for me, just in case someone is lost and can be useful. This is the solution:

    Finally I could make work two 8bitdo SN30 Pro 2 game pads. I used the firmware V1.2 and worked pretty with this same technique. However, I wanted to try with the latest V1.3 firmware to see what happens and I could make work. Fighting with the retro arena setup and also retropie setup both versions in the bluetooth script, it just worked for me the first time and after the first time is impossible, at least for me, to pair again by the horrible error Already exists bluez.org. Something is stored in the cache or somewhere after the first pairing but I could not find information in any place. Most of posts run from a real solution and they mention “my solution was begin with a fresh image and problem solved”. I made that but if you have a mistake, like in my case, is an endless loop over and over again and no solution. Then this is what I did:

    First I made a copy, to have safe the original file “/etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf”. Then I replaced that file with this:


    Then I made this procedure to pair:

    1.-sudo service bluetooth restart

    2.-agent on

    3-power on

    4.-scan on

    5.-scan off

    6.-pair “mac address of the gamepad”

    7.-connect “mac address of the gamepad”

    At this is step it will pair although and is possible it can says cannot connect. No matter this is not a thing to be afraid. If it doesn’t connect or says fail to connect in specific: Turn OFF if it is ON the game pad. Turn ON again normally the game pad and type again step 7 (connect with the mac address command).

    It can says a couple (2 or 3) times is not possible connect but no matter it will do. Simply is turn OFF the game pad and ON again and give the “connect” command again. Once say successfully connected is give this command:

    8.-trust “mac address of the gamepad”

    9.-Return the original file “/etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf”, deleting the one of pastebin above described. Just in case. I used the pastebin temporary just to pair, after pair there is no sense to keep it.

    If in the step 6 of pairing says already exists bluez.org or simply never connected in step 7 then is type first to see the devices paired:


    After that is check if i there the game pad. If it’s there then is give now:

    remove “mac address of the gamepad”

    One is successfully removed is back to step 5.

    Once is paired, and connected, because It will pair for sure, also will be detected ALL the buttons by emulation station. I have two gamepads and both were detected including after reboot and latest firmware. I tested this like 10 times to be sure, including making tests downgrading and upgrading firmware in the game pads and always worked at the end. I write this just in case someone has a problem as me and want time and loss time beginning from fresh image and is wanted to save time.

  • XU4 GPU Supported?

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    @cyperghost i will have to check again which game it was, but there was one which was slowing down to 25fps. If i remember correctly it was Road Rash 3D. not sure tho.

    but i will setup my xu4 with the guide of the docs, and check if i still encounter these issues.
    Honestly, the xu4 was ignored by the recalbox guys now for over a year. the task to rewrite the drivers has been pushed since 1 year from one backlog to the next one.

    but i remember seeing an hardkernel dev sharing the mali driver on github for the xu4 for using them. sadly nothing happened.

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    They do have a discord, you could try there. http://odroidarena.com/ link should be on the right hand side of the page.

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    Hello all,
    sorry to be reviving an old post, but I find myself in the same situation 3 years later and I cant seem to find a solution that keeps up with the changes through time.
    I have a Raspberry pi B+ and are running Retropie v.4.7.
    I have been able to use a DS3 controller since I setup my raspberry pi with a bluetooth dongle, which I had paired on my laptop initially with the SCPtoolkit. So that was plug and play at the time and didnt even realise this was a complicated matter.
    A few weeks ago I decided to get another controller and dongle to do the same for player 2, which obviously did not work.

    I have :
    tried to pair them separately and together,
    tried the ps3 controller drivers with both original and clone options
    tried the sixaxis option aswell.
    My results where mixed, but the botom line is that the best I could get was to have one controller through the bluetooth dongle and one on a USB.

    *Should also mention that they both work on my laptop with a single bluetooth dongle, setup with SCPtoolkit.

    I can see that you have suggested 1 option that I would like to try, but have failed to do so on my own, either because of my inexperience or because the instructions are outdated.I need to check if by disabling the wifi it allows both of them to connect and if it does to setup your script in the menu so that I can toggle it.

    When I press f4 and type wget http://raw.githubusercontent.com/crcerror/RetroPie-Shares/master/rfkill_wifi_dialog.sh -O "/home/pi/RetroPie/retropiemenu/Wifi Switch.sh"
    It says the directory or file does not exist. Now I can see the actual link of the .sh file on github is different that what is suggested, but I did try to replace it with no success.
    I also tried to change the location file to "/home/pi/RetroPie/configs/Wifi Switch.sh" hoping that by placing it there might still work but it doesnt.
    Lastly I feel that there must be something that I am missing sicne there are no other solutions out there available but also not many others discussing it, which makes me wonder has this been solved in a simple matter and I am just blind?!

    Thank you for your time and sorry for the long post, I hope you can help me.

    After giving up with every option I decided to try and type that all over again, seems it was a mistype...:S
    Anyway I can confirm this works for 2 ps ds3 controllers!!! Now I am off to show off my skills on CTR to my partner!!!

    Thank you for your support!!!

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    @barbudreadmon said in Odroid XU4 MAME Performance?:

    @loggahead said in Odroid XU4 MAME Performance?:

    I just have to update the lr-fbalpha package right?

    If you mean from binary, probably not. As said above you'll probably have to update from sources.

    This worked! Thanks so much again!