@Everett1954 I was able to get about half the Creativision games working with Advmess. However, I wasn't happy with the results because I couldn't get Planet Defender to work. I wound up manually installing the creatiVision Emulator (Linux Source dated 24 April 2016) (source file: creatiVision-1604240src.7z) from this website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/creativisionemulator/ This emulator uses SDL.
Having unzipped the files into a new build folder, I compiled it with cmake /home/pi/build(using GNU 4.9.2 on my Pi) and make. Once the executable creatiVision file was created, I then set up a layout etc.
All of the games seem to work and appear to work at full speed.
Your mileage might vary. I did this more than a year ago on Jessie, and I'm using Attract Mode, rather than emulationstation, and I also use xboxdrv for controls.
Also my emulators.cfg looks like this:
default = "creatiVision"
creatiVision = "/opt/retropie/emulators/creativision/creatiVision -r %ROM% -b /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/crvision2/bioscv.rom -f"
Note the reference to the bios file bioscv.rom.
You may need to adapt the emulators.cfg for emulationstation, but I can't help you there.