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    @birgersp said in Games won't "launch". Menu fades to black then reappears.:

    I'm hoping that even though the issue is resolved this topic can remain on the forums so others perhaps in the same situation as me can find it when troubleshooting.

    We don't delete topics unless spam is involved.

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    29 Posts

    @hsamuels said in >5s delay when starting each arcade game:

    Does modetest need to check the current and available resolution each time a game starts up? Can it happen once at power-up?

    Not sure if you still have the test system around, but we added a modification to runcommand to skip the modeset invocation on systems without KMS (i.e. Pi3 and olders). Give it a try to see if the loading speed is down to the previous timings from the older versions.

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    @UberLumby said in NeoGeo games folder nolonger working:

    I guess it became out of date

    It didn't, that bios with crc 0x91b64be3 has been part of the neogeo romset for 2 decades, it's the default neogeo bios (MVS Asia/Europe ver. 6), its presence has always been mandatory in a normal neogeo romset. My guess is that you deleted that bios and put another one (AES or unibios) in its stead, it's a known trick to force another bios in some arcade emulators (it's the only way for pifba iirc), FBNeo doesn't accept that trick though because it has proper means to change bios through core options, and it requires that bios to be present as a fallback if the alternate bios you select in core options isn't available.

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    @dankcushions As it turns out, it was looking for a specific file from a secondary Shock Troopers ROM. Not much to say beyond, "I didn't do my due diligence." The filename in the verbose log was so similar to one already in the ROM that I didn't realize it was actually missing. Also new to me is a Neo Geo game requiring a secondary file. I've dealt with parent and clone ROMs in the past, and even have experience with CHD's and secondary files with CP System III stuff, but this was a new one for me.

    I appreciate the confirmation that I had it wrong. Between that and Googling the crc I was able to find the missing file and get this running.

  • Ports and Launch Menu Art

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    I've done some more digging on this and I've come up with a solution that works for me. Though it's not exactly plug-and-play, it's pretty simple to implement on a case-by-case basis.

    What I tried above was never going to work, for a couple reasons. For starters, $IS_SYS and $IS_PORT are not, as I had assumed, mutually exclusive. "SYS" is anything that's not a special +Start system.sh script, and "PORT" is a subset of that. So, when I tried to make it "if IS_SYS, else if IS_PORT", that was never going to do anything. They're all SYS and when they're not, they're not PORT either, so the "else" part would never happen, in any case.

    So with that out of the way, I can just rewrite the test. If IS_SYS (that's basically everything), it checks the default paths. Doesn't find anything for ports, because their images are in the "ports" folder, not the individual "system." So instead of "else," I just added another "if IS PORT," then check for art in paths with ports instead of $SYSTEM dir: "If SYS, check $SYSTEM path; fi; if PORT, check 'ports' path, fi."

    But that still didn't work. Okay, so...why doesn't it work. Well. Runcommand is the part that displays the image. It looks for an image that's named the same as the game, right? But how does it know. It's looking at the %ROM% parameter that's passed to it by EmulationStation. Only for ports it doesn't work that way.

    With regular console systems, EmulationStation says (simplified):

    runcommand SYS [system] %ROM%

    ...and the "ROM" is the rom file. If Runcommand can find a picture in the "[system]" folder with the same basename then it's got a match.

    For ports, that doesn't happen. For ports, EmulationStation goes:

    bash %ROM%

    where "ROM" is the launch script. The launch script then calls up Runcommand with

    runcommand PORT [system] %FOO%

    ...where "FOO" is whatever weird stuff is used in the launch command for that particular port. It might be the path to a file or directory that may or may not share a basename with the launch script and image file, or it might be a long string of command-line flags that aren't even legal filenames. It's different for every "system." And this is what Runcommand is looking for when it tries to match a filename for the image to display. This is never going to work either. That's why they don't do it that way. That's why they have launching.png.

    So what do I do about it. As mentioned above, I can place a launching.png in the configs/ports or configs/ports/[system] dirs. Which works fine when a "system" only has one game on it, but for times when different games can all be launched with a shared system setup (like all the Doom expansions all using the same lr-prboom core), it means I would have to use the same image for all of them.

    Or would I? And in fact no, I would not. If it's looking for a launching.png I will let it find a launching.png. But I can decide what that looks like when it finds it.

    In my launch script, example (simplified):

    #! /bin/bash runcommand.sh PORT "[system]" "[%FOO%]"

    ...before the run-command, I add a line that symlinks (at first I copied, but symlink will shuffle less data around) the desired image to the expected location: ln -sf "/home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/ports/screenshots/$(basename ${0%.*}).png" /opt/retropie/configs/ports/launching.png:

    #! /bin/bash ln -sf "/home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/ports/screenshots/$(basename ${0%.*}).png" /opt/retropie/configs/ports/launching.png runcommand.sh PORT "[system]" "[%FOO%]"

    Using $(basename ${0%.*}) substitutes the name of the launch script (the one that this command is inside of) without path or extension, so I can just copy-paste this same line into every one of my scripts and they'll all link their own, individual launch art before calling Runcommand. It means that if I rename the script I'll have to rename the image, but this is just like how all the other systems work anyway, with the rom name being linked to the image name, and this way I didn't have to type out a different filename in each of my scripts.

    If you wish to use this method, you will need to substitute the path to your images based on your own configuration. Which is why it's not exactly plug-and-play, since it seems everyone has these in a different place.

    Here is an actual, non-simplified example of one in action:

    pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/ports $ cat doom-sigil.sh #!/bin/bash ln -sf "/home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/ports/screenshots/$(basename ${0%.*}).png" /opt/retropie/configs/ports/launching.png "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "doom" "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/sigil/DOOM.WAD"
  • Help batch running arcade games

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    @luckyluca said in Help batch running arcade games:

    what is the difference between .fs and .nv files in the roms/arcade/fbneo folder?

    Basically the same thing (non-volatile ram to save cabinet settings), just different methods to save them.

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    Select runcommand from the RetroPie menu (or through configuration/tools in RetroPie-Setup). Ensure Launch menu is enabled. Check Launch menu joystick control. If joystick control is disabled, either enable it, or use a keyboard plugged into any USB port, instead of the gamepad, to access the launch menu.

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    Thanks. I guess I just want the error suppresed and any other errors as trawling through a gamelist.xml for mame is going to take some time.

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    I just want to say grats and I am a little jealous of your bartop. I am a Campbell, too.

  • ROMs do not launch

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    @grzzlybr said in ROMs do not launch:

    @mitu True, although obviously many people have it running fine from a desktop session (I did before these issues).

    Sure, but that's not a configuration that's tested and supported.

    I have just tried running RetroPie from boot and it seems to be working fine with local ROMs, but not with ROMs using symlinks (which were working fine before). So I guess that's one issue (sort of) solved and another found!

    Can you add more details - and possibly the log file asked earlier, not that Runcommand should be working again ?

  • Game Launch Question

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    @theretroprince Thank you!!!!

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    I seem to have fixed this. I found a page (here) with a few extra instructions on suppressing various messages. I haven't implemented them all but it seems the one or two I have added have done the trick! I'd already added one or two of these as per the excellent Retropie docs, but the extra bits here seem to have done the trick. Been mashing about the menu for a couple of hours, and rebooted several times and so far it has not returned.

    Thanks for your help. Thrilled to get it working so nice! :-)

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    4 Posts

    Ok, so I've created separate emulator.cfg for each version of CSBwin I'm using and that works fine.

    But now I have troubles with Der Clou again. After a reboot I can't start it from ES anymore, I get:

    Executing: /opt/retropie/ports/theclue/theclue ERROR: Module Dsk: Open :./pictures/bubble.fnt

    And it seems to be a path issues, because I get the same error when I try to run the binary from the menu in Raspbian.
    I can run it when I go to the directory manually at the command promt. So my guess is that the script not goes into the directory and thats why it can't find the datafiles anymore. Weird thing is, that I can run it from ES after I started it once from the command promt.

    Also i just noticed that I can't save because of restrictions. D:

  • Launch sound not working anymore.

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    @ruckage that would explain it! Thanks ruckage. The theme is SNES mini.

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    Sorry for the long delay - I was prevented from working on this. When I did get around to it though, I was able to use this advice to come up with a solution. Thanks a bunch!

  • 11 Votes
    17 Posts

    Old topic, sorry, but still rocks :-)
    I'd like to make some modifications, like translating all images text.
    @ruckage Is there any source files, PSD or similar I dould use?
    Thank you very much

  • Roms won't load

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    Most of the titles have ._ before them.

    When you copy files over from a Mac it makes a duplicate junk file that begins with ._. You'll ultimately want to switch to a transfer program like Cyberduck to avoid the issue. You can get rid of the junk files that are currently there by dropping to the command line (F4) or using ssh and typing:

    find /home/pi/RetroPie -name "._*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
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    @mitu I think no. But i dont really know if something change or not... or if i did it wrong when I writed that lines (no error message, just go down to the next line) but still having the same problem with the blue menu "in game"
    Just another stupid question for my part, .how I can restart the rasp, or the system in the command menu (this one we are working) because I don't know if need to restart or save the changes.

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    @bmos are you using the RetroAchievements feature? It can cause this issue. The retroachievements.org server isn't that powerful and this delay can be caused when RetroArch is trying to communicate with it.

  • Most of PSX games do not launch

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    Ok, some news ! it seems that large part of my rom files were corrupted. So I "found" new one and everything work like a charm now ! So Thank you and bravo for this very very pleasant RetroPi distribution ! I think I'll make a donation so !