@StewDapples - That's great. Hopefully you only have to do it once and make backups! :)
It is a bit finicky, even though you have to manually build the sample sets they can still be scanned through ClrMamePro. I find it useful if something changes in a set, you'll at least be aware of it. It will remove extraneous samples but it won't rename or add.
In regards to CHD's just make sure you have the right version selected in ClrMamePro when verifying.
You can't really post any links here but the 2010 samples are out there just poking around a bit.
Also the Super Famicom Box BIOS (sfcbox) should be available too.
I think in regards to mame2003-plus samples you could inquire on the official page. They aren't official samples but ones that have been added to enhance the gaming experience. They are exclusive to mame2003-plus.
Basically there are are only a handful of games that have the enhanced audio due to it being a fairly laborious process. If the core can't find the OSTs it will fall back to the original audio. They aren't required but it's nice to have a complete set. I believe they have been added to the DAT. Just to verify the lists are below.
mame2003-plus (ddragon) samples:
<sample name="title-01"/>
<sample name="title-02"/>
<sample name="stage1-01"/>
<sample name="stage1-02"/>
<sample name="stage2-01"/>
<sample name="stage2-02"/>
<sample name="stage3-01"/>
<sample name="stage3-02"/>
<sample name="stage3-alt-01"/>
<sample name="stage3-alt-02"/>
<sample name="stage4-01"/>
<sample name="stage4-02"/>
<sample name="credits-01"/>
<sample name="credits-02"/>
<sample name="diddy-01"/>
<sample name="diddy-02"/>
<sample name="complete-01"/>
<sample name="complete-02"/>
<sample name="boss-01"/>
<sample name="boss-02"/>
<sample name="boss-alt-01"/>
<sample name="boss-alt-02"/>
<sample name="finalboss-01"/>
<sample name="finalboss-02"/>
mame2003-plus (sf2) samples:
<sample name="ryuslow-01"/>
<sample name="ryuslow-02"/>
<sample name="ryufast-01"/>
<sample name="ryufast-02"/>
<sample name="blankaslow-01"/>
<sample name="blankaslow-02"/>
<sample name="blankafast-01"/>
<sample name="blankafast-02"/>
<sample name="chunlislow-01"/>
<sample name="chunlislow-02"/>
<sample name="chunlifast-01"/>
<sample name="chunlifast-02"/>
<sample name="ehondaslow-01"/>
<sample name="ehondaslow-02"/>
<sample name="ehondafast-01"/>
<sample name="ehondafast-02"/>
<sample name="guileslow-01"/>
<sample name="guileslow-02"/>
<sample name="guilefast-01"/>
<sample name="guilefast-02"/>
<sample name="dhalsimslow-01"/>
<sample name="dhalsimslow-02"/>
<sample name="dhalsimfast-01"/>
<sample name="dhalsimfast-02"/>
<sample name="balrogslow-01"/>
<sample name="balrogslow-02"/>
<sample name="balrogfast-01"/>
<sample name="balrogfast-02"/>
<sample name="sagatslow-01"/>
<sample name="sagatslow-02"/>
<sample name="sagatfast-01"/>
<sample name="sagatfast-02"/>
<sample name="mbisonslow-01"/>
<sample name="mbisonslow-02"/>
<sample name="mbisonfast-01"/>
<sample name="mbisonfast-02"/>
<sample name="versus-01"/>
<sample name="versus-02"/>
<sample name="endfight-01"/>
<sample name="endfight-02"/>
<sample name="continue-01"/>
<sample name="continue-02"/>
<sample name="highscore-01"/>
<sample name="highscore-02"/>
<sample name="intro-01"/>
<sample name="intro-02"/>
<sample name="playerjoin-01"/>
<sample name="playerjoin-02"/>
<sample name="playerselect-01"/>
<sample name="playerselect-02"/>
<sample name="gameover-01"/>
<sample name="gameover-02"/>
<sample name="kenslow-01"/>
<sample name="kenslow-02"/>
<sample name="kenfast-01"/>
<sample name="kenfast-02"/>
<sample name="zangiefslow-01"/>
<sample name="zangiefslow-02"/>
<sample name="zangieffast-01"/>
<sample name="zangieffast-02"/>
<sample name="vegaslow-01"/>
<sample name="vegaslow-02"/>
<sample name="vegafast-01"/>
<sample name="vegafast-02"/>
<sample name="bonusstage-01"/>
<sample name="bonusstage-02"/>
<sample name="mbisonending-01"/>
<sample name="mbisonending-02"/>
<sample name="kenendinga-01"/>
<sample name="kenendinga-02"/>
<sample name="kenendingb-01"/>
<sample name="kenendingb-02"/>
<sample name="ehondaending-01"/>
<sample name="ehondaending-02"/>
<sample name="blankaending-01"/>
<sample name="blankaending-02"/>
<sample name="guileending-01"/>
<sample name="guileending-02"/>
<sample name="zangiefending-01"/>
<sample name="zangiefending-02"/>
<sample name="specialending-01"/>
<sample name="specialending-02"/>
<sample name="ryuending-01"/>
<sample name="ryuending-02"/>
<sample name="dhalsimending-01"/>
<sample name="dhalsimending-02"/>
<sample name="chunliendinga-01"/>
<sample name="chunliendinga-02"/>
<sample name="chunliendingb-01"/>
<sample name="chunliendingb-02"/>