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    Many thanks for this, I will read through the material and then give it a go. Steve

  • USB Drive Format

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    ExFat I can confirm it works.

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    wow, you guys are really in love with your usb sticks, defending them with life and limbs ...


    so what you are saying is that usbmount reliable mounts on every boot or that it is easier for a newcommer to linux to edit fstab than just transfer roms over network?


    if you edit fstab it will obviusly mount perfectly on each boot, but imo you cannot rely on everyone to know or understand how to edit fstab.
    tbh i doubt that there is really much of a diffrence today in speed, cost or reliability using a brand new usb stick vs sdcard considdering it is most likely using somewhat same chips and it is therefore up to the sdcard reader vs the controller on the usb stick which could arguably be marginally better on a usb stick than the raspberry, considdering it might be newer/better.
    however, considdering that it will be using usb 2.0, i doubt there will be a major diffrence if any anyway.
    a really high end sd card will most likely outperform a low end usb stick and vice versa,, high end sd card and high end usb sticks will most likely perform somewhat the same at about same price range, so in my oppinion it is just easier to just use a decent sd card and not have the hassle of editing anything (more than neccessary).

    however i do agree and see your point, that it might be easier for a windows user to have a drive you can actually read in windows.
    but considdering i dont use windows it isnt really a problem for me personally as i can just pop in the sd card in my computer and read it.

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    WOW! That is fabulous! Thanks for the link!

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    @mitu Just did it.
    Everything went smooth as we discussed it above.
    From the SD's roms folder I only deleted the actual ROMs not the folders.

    So far I didn't notice any performance hit nor any decrease. All the same as it seems. I'll let you know in case that impression should change.

    One more thing about backup: Since the configs share is not being transferred to the USB stick (unfortunately) I want to stress the importance to (at least) backup this one manually and frequently ;-)

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    @clyde thank you guys, you really assisted me. Appreciate all.

  • USB 2.0 Stick --- Bricked??

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    sounds like your memory stick just failed. It happens, and probably has nothing to do with retropie or the raspberry pi. just coincidence.

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    Ok according to a post I've found, apparently I need to put both in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg and /opt/retropie/configs/snes/retroarch.cfg

    but I still have the problem. Do I really need to add it inside each retroarch.cfg emulator ?

  • Multiple usb sticks

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    @mitu I never ended up doing this I realized I'm an idiot and I could just transfer all the other ROMs to the SD card lol thanks for the help though

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    @redbatman right, maybe a ghost did those two bumps on your account above? that seems the most likely explanation.

    it is my sworn duty to keep this forum ghost-free; i will have to issue a temporary ban to any possessed accounts if the rules are broken again.

  • Scraping Metadata Location

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    @retroguy23 mediamogui is correct but I honestly do not keep my images and gamelist there. I keep them in the /home/(user)/roms/(system) folder. Ex. home/pi/RetroPie/roms/megadrive/images/ (Just easier for me I guess :P I have done a LOT of hand editing on my lists)

    Emulationstation is programed to look there in the default then there in the rom folder if one is not found in the default folder.

    Just easier and faster to get to my roms on my pi (or other linux system)
    so your gamelist.xml is in the rom folder. For example my megadrive list is in the megadrive/roms folder (one game list per folder). That is:

    my megadrive gamelist is located in /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/megadrive/gamelist.xml

    The start of my game list looks like this:
    <path>./Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe).smd</path>
    <name>Sonic The Hedgehog <-(this can be anything you want)</name>
    <desc>Sonic the Hedgehog is the first of many games...</desc>
    <image>./images/Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe)-image.jpg</image>
    <video>./images/Sonic the Hedgehog (USA, Europe)-video.mp4</video>

    see the image and video tags? the ./images tells emulationstation to look in the "parent" folder. (this folder is the parent folder because you already told ES to look for the rom in that folder with the <path> tag) In this case it means the rom folder of the game you are showing on screen from the list ..but now look in a sub directory called "images"

    I can load ALL my arcade roms from the arcade folder. Any version of MAME, Daphne, or Final Burn Neo are all mixed in the arcade folder. So I have one arcade folder and the rest are consoles.

    (But this is what works for me set it up the way it works for you!)

  • Retropie will not write files to USB

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    Thank you for your reply...it helps a lot! I was thinking about manually naming the folders as well. I guess I can check and see the information that you request. Your post has been more helpful than most I have found in other forums so I appreciate it. Please excuse my "noobness" but how would I find the information that you request? Thanks...

  • USB keys Roms

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    I think you have to find out what the UUID's are for both of your flash drives and put that information in your /etc/fstab

    The UUID is kinda like a "finger print" or "serial number" that is unique to every drive so you won't find a duplicate. This being said, you should be able to reboot and it will remember which is which and if, by change, you take the USB drives out and don't put them back in the exact same slots as before, it will still remember who is who.

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    @jonnykesh said in Boot Script ordering for USB Mount and SplashScreen:

    @hooperre Have you considered turning the custom splash screen into a static video file? say 5 or ten seconds, whatever you feel is best.
    You say videos on the USB work fine so just turn the static image into a video file.

    Truth. Good shout. I'll probably just put them on the SD card unless I can dig into the splashscreen stuff and find out how to have it start later? Not sure. I know using Filezilla if I attempt to change permissions it doesn't work and I can't add them, but I know I can do it with Putty (chmod) it works. That's the only reason I preferred to stay on the USB.

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    Then my best guess is that it just isn't compatible.

    You could try it on an Ubuntu Live CD on your PC to see if it's a problem with Linux in general or the Raspberry Pi/Kernel. (You can use jstest-gtk to test it).

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    I should mention...I did that for about 10 seconds before realizing vfat sucks and committing the drive to ext4. Same principle though.

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    This works perfect, have it installed on a 16GB usb thumb drive and even have roms installed on it and it works perfect for plug and play. the only thing is the Playstation, psp emulators dont work to well yet for this version but every thing else works perfect, herb_fargus is the best, make sure to check his other videos on youtube also. helped me out a lot when i was getting started with Retropie on the Raspberry Pi