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    @mtm81 Thanks for the replies up to this point - I'm pleased to say that I've got it fixed (well kind of).

    With my previous setup I've confirmed that the ALL of the default settings I was putting into the pi (alsamixer, retropi config, config.txt, autorun, even going so far in the config.txt to turn off the HDMI audio all together etc) to force it to use headphones - all were working but ONLY after a certain point in the boot sequence. Up to that point, because I had the HDMI plugged in (for video only) the system was detecting that HDMI connection and setting the ouput audio to be HDMI. Once one the files config files was THEN loaded, the Headphone output would then take over.
    The issue was always that, my file which was being used to control the audio volume output of the device - was being loaded BEFORE those other files took over, meaning my file was effectively turning the volume up and down on an output I wasn't using.

    I've therefore changed my output to HMDI for audio output as well, and changed my cabling from using the headphone jack on the PI, to the output jack on the HDMI controller.
    This works absolutely fine and works first time.

    So although this issue is solved, the underlying reason still remains - if you want to use the headphone output for audio - that only is 'forced' so far into the boot sequence.

  • Volume OMX PLayer

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  • Sound not working with HifiBerry

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    @bk said in Sound not working with HifiBerry:

    Concerning the alsamixer, I assume I have to type "alsamixer sndrpihifiberry" or "alsamixer snd_rpi_hifiberry_dac"? If so, both give me "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory".

    No, you should just type alsamixer and note the mixer's name (4th row on the top left menu). For instance, in the screenshot below the mixer is named Headphone.
    However, based on the error you're receiving (cannot open mixer) it looks like the device has no hardware volume control (mixer). You may be able to add a software volume control, following the instructions from this page.

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    @mitu The changes have to be made to/with the OMX player itself.

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    @seraphiscain said in (RetroPie X86) How to change global lr- emulator volume?:

    Is there any way to get the setting in /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg to actually apply to all lr- emulators?

    They should apply to all lr- emulators. Unless you've used 'Save Configuration' for one of them, in which case they won't, since that would break the inclusion of said .cfg file - see https://retropie.org.uk/docs/RetroArch-Configuration/#config-hierarchy.

  • Audio problems

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    @mxc0bbn Can you describe your setup, as indicated in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first

  • Video Snap Volume

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    I have a similar issue but reversed. If I set the volume anywhere between 0 and 60% in the ES Sound menu, there is no audio when the video snaps are playing. If I set the volume anywhere between 60 and 100%, the volume grows proportionally when the video snaps are playing. However, the correct volume is used while games are playing.

    Therefore, if I set the volume high enough to hear the video snaps, my in-game volume is often too high.

    All of this started when I began to troubleshoot why some video snaps where causing ES to crash. Using the HW Accelerated OMX player fixed the issue and changing a few other ES Sound menu options finally made the Sound adjustment work. I believe the key fix was changing "PCM" to "Speaker" so that it would match what is shown under the volume control when running 'alsamixer' via SSH. After they matched, the volume setting worked and was retained instead of reverting back to 0.

    Any idea why I have a mismatch between video snap volume and in-game volume?

    Video Snap >>> 60 to 100% = 0 to 100%
    In Game >>> 0 to 100% = 0 to 100%

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    @goldmansex778 Sorry I know this thread is old but I was hoping you could help me. I'm just finishing up an image to release to the community but the only thing that is wrong is the volume is too loud on the splashscreen and it's distorting. I'm not an expert with Linux so if you could walk me through a possible solution I would really appreciate it. I tried adding the --vol -3000 to the omxplayer file but it won't allow me to save the changes. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much for your time!!! -Chuck

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    @simon123 I noticed two things, (1) you are using USB-powered speakers and (2) you didn't seem to have test the suggesitons about using alsamixer.
    So I have some suggestions for you to try:

    Are you connecting these speakers to the RPI itself using a USB port? This might be problematic because the RPI is known to not deliver much power through the USB ports, and I suspects speakers are power hungry. Can you try to power the speakers with a laptop or other source via USB but the audio from the RPI? Can you go to a console and type the following command to set the volume using alsa: amixer sset PCM 90% unmute. This sets the volume reasonable high so be careful with the noise.

    After point 2 you should see something like this (volume set to 90%):

    Simple mixer control 'PCM',0 Capabilities: pvolume pvolume-joined pswitch pswitch-joined Playback channels: Mono Limits: Playback -10239 - 400 Mono: Playback -663 [90%] [-6.63dB] [on]
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    @ooskay Instead of bumping year(s) old topics, why don't you open a new topic, explaining what's your setup and what exactly do you want to do.

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    @ooskay I am away from my setup, and I don't even know where a config lives for GPIOnext. You might ask questions about GPIOnext on the github repo. The developer has been very friendly and helpful users in the past.

    If you want to go the stripped down route, you can find examples of raw python scripts that setup GPIO pins for input all over the internet. In my opinion, the key to making a script successful is to define OS commands as a function that gets called when the GPIO pin is triggered using EDGE detection method. The script ends in a Pause loop or a while loop so it never terminates.

    Then, you just need to launch the scrip at startup. Sorry to be so abstract about it, but it was definitely a learning process and everyone has a different config than you.

  • Hotkey volume change in-game

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    Anicetus_Cer 21 minutes ago

    I know this is an old topic, but I tested the given examples in previous posts and they did not work for me, that is not to say they did not work in older versions of retroarch, for the record I just tested on retroarch 4.5.9 on my retropie handheld system.

    To get the ingame hotkey volume control working add the following two lines to /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg;

    input_volume_up = "up"
    input_volume_down = "down"

    Below is an example excerpt showing that I added the new lines underneath there reference lines in the retroarch.cfg file, Lines starting with a hash symbol (#) mean that they will not be interpreted, and as a general rule of thumb in linux, often show what default values will be overriden by adding the new lines.

    #Line 602... #Increases audio volume. #input_volume_up = kp_plus input_volume_up = "up" #Decreases audio volume. #input_volume_down = kp_minus input_volume_down = "down" #Line 609...

    Note: I tend to use the volume control menu in emulation station to set the "master volume" for want of a better phrase then the in game volume for fine grained adjustment.

    Hope it helps someone, if so upvote.

  • Video Screensaver Volume

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    @tr33x0rs Glad you're sorted.

    My suggestion was really to lower the entire volume in ES's sound settings - I was hoping that, on Windows, it wouldn't change the entire OS volume settings.

    Have a great weekend.

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    @fredbuilder This was discussed earlier in this thread, but via direct editing of the config file. Thanks for the addition about the GUI and for the video. Nice handheld. 🤩

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    @darksavior Everything is possible, but strangely is, nobody else experienced this. I wonder, if i use an older backup image where it occured, if it still occures. I may test it someday and if I do, i will report here. Until then, I run around with a big question mark above my head.

  • Volume of Games - Saving

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    I have found that arcade games using lr-mame2003 have vary wildly in their audio volume. Onw example, is Xevious which is much louder than other games and some games end up being much quieter. I know I can adjust the volume under settings / audio but that isn't persistent. I know about the hotkeys for volume up/down but again, I would have to raise adjust the volume every time I play Xevious for example.

    Is there a way to adjust and save an individual game's volume? I checked the mame menu for Xevious and didn't see a volume option. I guess my other option is to figure out how to install a volume knob in my cabinet so I can just adjust on the fly but that's not much different than using the hotkeys other than a quicker way to dial in the volume. It sure would be nice to just be able to save a +/- db per game and be done with it though.

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    I was unable to fix the volume for the roms. I increase all the audio level from the retopie menu and increase the default audio mixer levels. but now all the N64 games are way too loud.