• Mr Do's Castle bezel

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    @AwesomeKingClem Yep, figured that out eventually, this seems about as close a replication as one could manage (all my bezels are for fullscreen height):



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    Sharing is caring. 😁

  • Marble Madness 2 side art?

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    @SuperFromND, thank you for this find!

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    Thank you. This was caused by the environment though. I was booting into PIXEL desktop before launching EmulationStation. This configuration prevents quite a few things to function as expected.

  • Ports and Launch Menu Art

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    I've done some more digging on this and I've come up with a solution that works for me. Though it's not exactly plug-and-play, it's pretty simple to implement on a case-by-case basis.

    What I tried above was never going to work, for a couple reasons. For starters, $IS_SYS and $IS_PORT are not, as I had assumed, mutually exclusive. "SYS" is anything that's not a special +Start system.sh script, and "PORT" is a subset of that. So, when I tried to make it "if IS_SYS, else if IS_PORT", that was never going to do anything. They're all SYS and when they're not, they're not PORT either, so the "else" part would never happen, in any case.

    So with that out of the way, I can just rewrite the test. If IS_SYS (that's basically everything), it checks the default paths. Doesn't find anything for ports, because their images are in the "ports" folder, not the individual "system." So instead of "else," I just added another "if IS PORT," then check for art in paths with ports instead of $SYSTEM dir: "If SYS, check $SYSTEM path; fi; if PORT, check 'ports' path, fi."

    But that still didn't work. Okay, so...why doesn't it work. Well. Runcommand is the part that displays the image. It looks for an image that's named the same as the game, right? But how does it know. It's looking at the %ROM% parameter that's passed to it by EmulationStation. Only for ports it doesn't work that way.

    With regular console systems, EmulationStation says (simplified):

    runcommand SYS [system] %ROM%

    ...and the "ROM" is the rom file. If Runcommand can find a picture in the "[system]" folder with the same basename then it's got a match.

    For ports, that doesn't happen. For ports, EmulationStation goes:

    bash %ROM%

    where "ROM" is the launch script. The launch script then calls up Runcommand with

    runcommand PORT [system] %FOO%

    ...where "FOO" is whatever weird stuff is used in the launch command for that particular port. It might be the path to a file or directory that may or may not share a basename with the launch script and image file, or it might be a long string of command-line flags that aren't even legal filenames. It's different for every "system." And this is what Runcommand is looking for when it tries to match a filename for the image to display. This is never going to work either. That's why they don't do it that way. That's why they have launching.png.

    So what do I do about it. As mentioned above, I can place a launching.png in the configs/ports or configs/ports/[system] dirs. Which works fine when a "system" only has one game on it, but for times when different games can all be launched with a shared system setup (like all the Doom expansions all using the same lr-prboom core), it means I would have to use the same image for all of them.

    Or would I? And in fact no, I would not. If it's looking for a launching.png I will let it find a launching.png. But I can decide what that looks like when it finds it.

    In my launch script, example (simplified):

    #! /bin/bash runcommand.sh PORT "[system]" "[%FOO%]"

    ...before the run-command, I add a line that symlinks (at first I copied, but symlink will shuffle less data around) the desired image to the expected location: ln -sf "/home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/ports/screenshots/$(basename ${0%.*}).png" /opt/retropie/configs/ports/launching.png:

    #! /bin/bash ln -sf "/home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/ports/screenshots/$(basename ${0%.*}).png" /opt/retropie/configs/ports/launching.png runcommand.sh PORT "[system]" "[%FOO%]"

    Using $(basename ${0%.*}) substitutes the name of the launch script (the one that this command is inside of) without path or extension, so I can just copy-paste this same line into every one of my scripts and they'll all link their own, individual launch art before calling Runcommand. It means that if I rename the script I'll have to rename the image, but this is just like how all the other systems work anyway, with the rom name being linked to the image name, and this way I didn't have to type out a different filename in each of my scripts.

    If you wish to use this method, you will need to substitute the path to your images based on your own configuration. Which is why it's not exactly plug-and-play, since it seems everyone has these in a different place.

    Here is an actual, non-simplified example of one in action:

    pi@retropie:~/RetroPie/roms/ports $ cat doom-sigil.sh #!/bin/bash ln -sf "/home/pi/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/ports/screenshots/$(basename ${0%.*}).png" /opt/retropie/configs/ports/launching.png "/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh" 0 _PORT_ "doom" "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/doom/sigil/DOOM.WAD"
  • Minimalistic Arcade Art

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    @Toad That worked, perfectly. Thank you!

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    for me a project being 'commercial' in nature doesn't necessitate it making a profit. besides, eventually someone sells the bus...

  • Overlay positioning changed after recent update

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    @mitu Indeed. You were right all along. I really appreciate you helping me track that down. Its been a long time since I have messed with my RP and I had become more unfamiliar with everything than I was when I was more into it. ;)

  • Intermittent white boxes for art?

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    @farrisgoldstein I find when that happens it's because the image is too big. Make it a bit smaller and it's all fine.

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    @dover19 pretty much

  • Generate launching images

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    @jwbmonk @meleu created an amazing script https://github.com/meleu/generate-launching-images that creates launching images for a specific theme.
    What I think it does is take the console images of the theme and create launching images. I guess it could be possible to add an option to use the scraped box art instead of the console image.

  • RetroPie ASCII logo

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    @zigurana Thanks. It is pretty nice but it looks more like a bowling pin to me than a RetroPie logo) But considering the fact that it is used in coding, it is more than good.

  • Different art depending on theme

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    @carcayu said in Different art depending on theme:

    Is there any way to download that art with a different name/location or edit the theme, so depending on the theme it use one or another art?

    Short answer: No.

    Long answer: You can find workarounds to achieve that. Such as keeping different gamelist.xml files and changing them according to the theme. But there isn't any tool ready to change/rename the files automatically.

    If I remember right @jdrassa talked about ES having a feature to launch custom scripts after changing themes, AFAIK it was just an idea. Nothing implemented yet...

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    @rookervik indeed - humour on my side and hype-mongering
    fonts and illustrations were made by my friend

    the font is free to use nonetheless
    i bet he'd be interested in contributing specifically to retropie in one form or another

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    @red5ive said in ComicBook Theme Launching Images:

    Can that be done and if so what do I need to do?

    The splash images are not part of Emulationstation, but part of the launcher - Runcommand. So, unless you find a substitute for it, the answer would be no.

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    @KillerQ I had a post about an issue you're going to run into when using subfolders: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/10427/regarding-image-metadata-displays-in-retropie/18

    Hopefully in the future ES gets an upgrade that fixes this or the guys making skins for us can find a workaround for this.