I’m not angry at anyone here. But this does further solidify my anger with the vendor. I see now that this is a topic discussed often here.
I find it interesting that the company is willing to sell “kits” with pre-loaded RetroPie but their contact number explicitly states that they don’t support 3rd party products.
I’m sure there are many people who buy these thinking they are basically plug ‘n plays as that is how they are advertised, essentially. That’s why I initially purchased a 60-in-1 JAMMA board, as I was intimidated by the apparent complexity of working with a Raspberry Pi, having only basic computer knowledge.
I will consider just reinstalling the actual RetroPie image, but will need to chat with my friend to see if he will be able to assist me. I will probably save the few ROMs I want to keep, as there is a lot of useless stuff I don’t care about. Thanks!