@rbaker The first time I tried, I did follow that link exactly. After that didn't work and I started over a number of times trying it over and over, in the Retropie menu on Emulationstation there is a Basic Install option that says it will automatically add all the core and main emulators, so I did that instead of Manage Packages, to try and save a step as I had been trying for hours. I reinstalled the Image several times to try from the beginning. Each time the initial boot up seemed like it was going correctly based on the videos I watched and instructions from wiki.
The emulators I'm most interested in trying for starters are NES, SNES and SG/Megadrive
Yes, I did configure a controller during the first boot process. I followed this https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/First-Installation#installation up to transferring roms from USB...the final instruction says to "Refresh Emulationstation by choosing Restart Emulationstation from the start menu" After doing so, I could never get ES to start back up. I tried to not do the restart a couple of times, but nothing happened. There were no emulators or roms I could see or access.