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    @Bender2k no bt problems here. Do you have a heatsink on your processor? If so it could be causing issues. You could try turning the heatsink 90 degrees so the heatsink fins are facing another direction. The heatsink can act like an antenna and cause issues. Other than that not sure what to tell you to help you.

  • Help with Drastic

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    Thanks, I am new to these forums, if I can can how would I mark this a solved

    I think if you asked the questions with unresolved then you can mark as resolved. I'm actually not sure how it works lol

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    i figured as much
    as far as i understand he installed retropie 4.1 and attract 2.0 the only thing it has is some themes and art files added for attract mode and a few sections pre set up in attract mode ...no roms or bios files included ...i guess it was worth a shot of seeing if it mattered or not ...

    i would still like to know with just a normal install of retropie 4.1 and attract mode 2.0 when you add the emulator in attract mode, which is working and playing roms in emulation station,
    could it be that a .cfg file in attract mode just is not listing the start command properly ?

    from what i understand attract is just an overlay and alternative that still references retroarch to run the emulators ?...or is this just a problem with supported emulators in attract mode thing?

    thanks for the answer though as i may try just that with full clean installs

  • Update Issues

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    I'm new to this stuff myself, and it is happening to me also.
    I mistakenly did a kernal update while trying to navigate around, and 20 minutes later I had no way to exit apps like Retroarch and only tested with GBA roms, but both I attempted would not work right for my NES30 Pro. I'm going to have to start over also. I hope they fix this issue soon. I've had to unplug twice because of this, and going to learn SSH before trying any more games.

  • Kodi keyboard issue

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    @Rascas This seems to have worked! Thank you. If it stops I'll let you know.

  • Quake with Keyboard and Mouse Issues

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    I don't have a great answer for you. Specifically for GLideN64 there is a source code repository I have been checking since the project lead gonetz said a new version is imminent. It actually was just published as a specific 2.0 release yesterday. Still has some regression issues like Mario64 though.

    GLideN64 code repository blog

    Not sure how active mupen64plus or glupen is for actual emulators.

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    I have the exact same problem. Though I have two usb controllers. How did you debug and change the UDEV stuff?

  • Controller Not Working

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    Ok can we slow this down a bit please, I currently don't have access to my pi and I think my roms are in the right place because they are coming up, I used the USB transfer method. I will get back to you when I can access the pi

  • "New" VICE very buggy

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    Hi All,

    I had a similar problem when I wanted to save the settings for using Joysticks in vice. And after that all games runs very very fast and no sound was enabled.

    I tried already deinstallig and rebooting and new installation. But I had the same problem. UNTI: I removied the files from


    After taht and restarting the emu I worked again - god sake!!!

  • 2 Votes
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    Today I installed the littel "I2S+Amp" device (called Adafruit MAX98357 I2S) in my latest build. The static sound is completly gone! It's crystal clear sound. I got two more wires to solder to my RPi. GPIO18 is used as usal, GPIO19 and GPIO21 are added.
    The power is used from the old PAM module, no need to power it from the Pi by wiring PIN1 and a ground Pin.

    Definitly worth the money :)

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    You need to keep them in a .zip format

    I was extracking them and you just leave the file in a .zip format and put them in the correct rom location

    Also I'm having issues with my x box controler not working with the meme games
    When I hit Start Select I can't get out. I have a keyboard hooked up so I can get out but the controls are off for all my games I have tested so far