• 1 Votes
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    Looks like the upstream libretro assets repository renamed them and the upgrade script just adds the new files, without removing the older ones. Maybe we should clear up the folder before the upgrade, to avoid this issue.

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    @dankcushions As it turns out, it was looking for a specific file from a secondary Shock Troopers ROM. Not much to say beyond, "I didn't do my due diligence." The filename in the verbose log was so similar to one already in the ROM that I didn't realize it was actually missing. Also new to me is a Neo Geo game requiring a secondary file. I've dealt with parent and clone ROMs in the past, and even have experience with CHD's and secondary files with CP System III stuff, but this was a new one for me.

    I appreciate the confirmation that I had it wrong. Between that and Googling the crc I was able to find the missing file and get this running.

  • 0 Votes
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    Righto, here's the solution for everyone who wants to let RetroPie handle NTSC/ NTSC progressive modes but then switch to the PAL60 equivalent:
    Put this into runcommand-onstart.sh:

    (sleep 15 && sudo /home/pi/tweakvec/tweakvec.py --preset PAL60) &

    If it doesn't work for your Pi, try sleeping a bit longer. On my Pi3, 15 seconds seems like the sweet spot.

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @dankcushions Yeah, you are right, that will probably be less and less relevant.

    Still good to include instructions in this post as well ;-)

    Thanks for your time and for your reply!

  • 0 Votes
    16 Posts

    [BETTER SOLUTION] ..but keeping this post for reference & continuity.

    Well.. I finally did the thing. Here's my workaround:

    Install the at job utility. sudo apt install at Enable the atd scheduling daemon to start on-boot & run it. sudo systemctl enable --now atd After connecting your controllers, record the exact name and event handler # of each one. cat /proc/bus/input/devices Now record the axis #s, minimums, & maximums of each controller's analog axes. IGNORE ANY AXIS WHERE ITS MINIMUM & MAXIMUM NEGATE EACH OTHER; ITS MIDPOINT IS 0 AND THE AXIS SHOULD BE LEFT ALONE BY THIS WORKAROUND. In the following command, substitute the event# with that of the associated controller. evdev-joystick --s /dev/input/event# Create a new udev rule. You may change the name, but leave the numerical prefix & file extension as-is. sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-joystick.rules Add the following code line in the rules file per controller using the name, axis #s, minimums, & maximums you gathered earlier. You will need to edit the following template at the [BRACKETED ENTRIES]. Notice that before the at command, there is a evdev-joystick command for each axis to override its minimum & maximum to 0. And after the grep command, the original minimums & maximums for each axis are restored. In my controller, I had four analog axes.. so add/remove axes (aka the evdev-joystick commands) as needed for your controller. SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="[EXACT CONTROLLER NAME]", RUN+="/bin/bash -c \"evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [1st AXIS #] --minimum 0 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [2nd AXIS #] --minimum 0 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [3rd AXIS #] --minimum 0 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [4th AXIS #] --minimum 0 --maximum 0 ; at -M now <<< 'timeout 30s evtest %E{DEVNAME} | grep -m 1 '\''time .*'\'' ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [1st AXIS #] --minimum [1st AXIS MIN] --maximum [1st AXIS MAX]; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [2nd AXIS #] --minimum [2nd AXIS MIN] --maximum [2nd AXIS MAX] ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [3rd AXIS #] --minimum [3rd AXIS MIN] --maximum [3rd AXIS MAX] ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a [4th AXIS #] --minimum [4th AXIS MIN] --maximum [4th AXIS MAX]'\"" If you haven't already, follow the previous step for your remaining controllers as new code lines. Then Ctrl-X to exit, Y to save, Enter to confirm. Here is my finished udev rule file for comparison (I didn't need to override the minimums since mine were already 0, so you'll notice them missing from my evdev-joystick commands): SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="Logitech Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2", RUN+="/bin/bash -c \"evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 0 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 1 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 2 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 5 --maximum 0 ; at -M now <<< 'timeout 30s evtest %E{DEVNAME} | grep -m 1 '\''time .*'\'' ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 0 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 1 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 2 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 5 --maximum 255'\"" SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="8Bitdo SF30 Pro", RUN+="/bin/bash -c \"evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 0 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 1 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 2 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 5 --maximum 0 ; at -M now <<< 'timeout 30s evtest %E{DEVNAME} | grep -m 1 '\''time .*'\'' ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 0 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 1 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 2 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 5 --maximum 255'\"" SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{name}=="8Bitdo SN30 Pro", RUN+="/bin/bash -c \"evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 0 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 1 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 2 --maximum 0 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 5 --maximum 0 ; at -M now <<< 'timeout 30s evtest %E{DEVNAME} | grep -m 1 '\''time .*'\'' ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 0 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 1 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 2 --maximum 255 ; evdev-joystick --e %E{DEVNAME} --a 5 --maximum 255'\"" Reload the udev interface to take on the new rule file. sudo udevadm control --reload Reconnect your controllers.. or reboot to force reconnection. sudo reboot

    This workaround was inspired by my previous tests, where I noticed the "Northwest" issue (responsible for the selection jumps) not affecting controllers whose analog axes are using 0 as a midpoint.

    So upon first connection of a controller, the new udev rule will override the min/max of any offending axis to 0/0.. thereby forcing 0 as the axis's midpoint. Then, an asynchronous at job is created to await for any button-press on the controller. Once that happens (or the timeout expires), the original min/max value of the controller's axes will immediately restore.. but not after your button-press took action AND without any selection jump! :-D

    Important notes:

    The workaround is meant to avoid the selection jump on first input of a connected controller IN EMULATION STATION. If you manage to (re)connect it during gameplay, the running emulator may halt or render control unresponsive until it's restarted.

    I set the timeout for button-press monitoring to 30s.. partly because you may need a moment to press something after connection.. partly because it's a way to avoid accumulating jobs in the at queue by not waiting indefinitely. If the selection jumps are still happening, press something sooner! ...or you can increase the timeout in the udev rule. But I wouldn't make it higher than 60s.

    Otherwise, enjoy your better RetroPie experience everyone!

  • Problems connecting bluetooth controllers

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    @ogteeg If your controller is detected, then you're not experiencing the same issue as in this topic.
    My advice is to make sure you're fully upgraded (OS/Packages and RetroPie), install the xpadneo driver from RetroPie-Setup (see here on how to install packages in RetroPie) driver section and then re-try the pairing. Make sure you remove the controller from the list of registered devices before attempting to re-pair.
    If that doesn't work, then open a separate topic and provide more info about your setup, as detailed in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first.

  • 0 Votes
    12 Posts

    @mitu It worked! Sorry for my late response!

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    For anyone else having this issue:

    I'm still not sure what caused it. But I "fixed" it by downloading 4.2 and doing a fresh install.

  • 0 Votes
    21 Posts


    So no real explanation. I came home, scratched my head a few minutes, made sure my files were not set to read only, reinstalled the advmame packages, double checked my placements and linkage, rebooted the entire house... and it works now. Three randomly picked games loaded up. I need to map keys but yes, this is awesome.

    In the attract mode motion blue & hyperpie, the sega and atari circuit board system display layouts pull from the advmame set, and it turned out to be one of the only sets I don't have, so this was awesome, not sure what all was wrong here.

    Thanks again to everyone's help on this

  • 1 Votes
    5 Posts

    @chipsnblip I think that's worded very clearly. Thank you!

  • 0 Votes
    29 Posts

    @tygr20 We're here to help!

  • 0 Votes
    9 Posts


    You should be more careful where you get your information from because you linked to a website which is awfully fishy.


    You realize that telling people to go to a website, let alone yours, to download a paid app, like DraStic, for free is piracy, right?



    Stop repeating what other people said.


  • Help with Controls

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    @MrWilliam932 you can set different controllers to different emulators. Check the link on my signature.

  • 0 Votes
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    @Rookervik well, that is true, you have a really good and valid point there; pardon me 😁

  • 2 Votes
    3 Posts

    Today I installed the littel "I2S+Amp" device (called Adafruit MAX98357 I2S) in my latest build. The static sound is completly gone! It's crystal clear sound. I got two more wires to solder to my RPi. GPIO18 is used as usal, GPIO19 and GPIO21 are added.
    The power is used from the old PAM module, no need to power it from the Pi by wiring PIN1 and a ground Pin.

    Definitly worth the money :)

  • 0 Votes
    17 Posts

    @ven9 Please open a new topic for your issue - and add more details about your system as requested in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first.