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    I use this config file now and it works:

    # For more options and information see # http://rpf.io/configtxt # Some settings may impact device functionality. See link above for details # uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default "safe" mode #hdmi_safe=1 # uncomment this if your display has a black border of unused pixels visible # and your display can output without overscan #disable_overscan=1 # uncomment the following to adjust overscan. Use positive numbers if console # goes off screen, and negative if there is too much border #overscan_left=16 #overscan_right=16 #overscan_top=16 #overscan_bottom=16 # uncomment to force a console size. By default it will be display's size minus # overscan. #framebuffer_width=1280 #framebuffer_height=720 # uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output #hdmi_force_hotplug=1 # uncomment to force a specific HDMI mode (this will force VGA) #hdmi_group=1 #hdmi_mode=1 # uncomment to force a HDMI mode rather than DVI. This can make audio work in # DMT (computer monitor) modes #hdmi_drive=2 # uncomment to increase signal to HDMI, if you have interference, blanking, or # no display #config_hdmi_boost=4 # uncomment for composite PAL #sdtv_mode=2 #uncomment to overclock the arm. 700 MHz is the default. #arm_freq=800 # Uncomment some or all of these to enable the optional hardware interfaces #dtparam=i2c_arm=on #dtparam=i2s=on #dtparam=spi=on # Uncomment this to enable infrared communication. #dtoverlay=gpio-ir,gpio_pin=17 #dtoverlay=gpio-ir-tx,gpio_pin=18 # Additional overlays and parameters are documented /boot/overlays/README # Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835) dtparam=audio=on [pi4] # Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver on top of the dispmanx display stack dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d max_framebuffers=2 [all] #dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d gpu_mem_256=128 gpu_mem_512=256 gpu_mem_1024=256 overscan_scale=1 #Pi Zero 2 W GPi Config dtoverlay=audremap,pins_18_19,swap_lr display_rotate=1 dtoverlay=dpi24 overscan_left=0 overscan_right=0 overscan_top=0 overscan_bottom=0 framebuffer_width=320 framebuffer_height=240 enable_dpi_lcd=1 display_default_lcd=1 dpi_group=2 dpi_mode=87 dpi_output_format=0x6016 #hdmi_timings=320 0 28 18 28 480 0 2 2 4 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 6 hdmi_timings=240 1 38 10 20 320 1 20 4 4 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1
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    @sleve_mcdichael that's been my thought all along.
    I could be wrong but I think the 64bit version has different audio drivers then buster 10. And since StarCraft is a compiled program made specifically for buster so the chance of something not working is there

  • Missing Sound, using GPi Case 2

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    Okay Thanks to mitu because I got to digging into the speaker-test function and because I only had the one snd_usb_audio
    I found out that in the lcd config that comes with the GPi Case 2 patch they have the following in the config


    so changing that to on enabled snd_bcm2835 at index 0 then I just followed the Alternate USB Audio Method from RetroPie Docs and changed the snd_usb_audio from index 1 to 0 and rebooted and now I have sound.

    I do not know if this is 100% correct or a buggy workaround as I am all new to Linux. But thanks a bunch for the help :)

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    I want to add that I have narrowed down my issue. The sound stops working due to my spi display. interfering with it. I suppose this topic is no longer relevant to this forum.

  • No Sound in Retropie 4.8

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    @cmftblynu somehow I got it to work, I went into the desktop port and played with the sound settings in there. Then I went in and changed it to headphones, then changed it back it still goes to zero on the volume but works now with default, HDMI and ALSA. It is just buggy.

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    @mitu I agree with you.
    I was experimenting recently on pi0 and checked the RetroFlag "patch" for their GPi Case and it has by default disabled#dtparam=audio=on applied to the config .txt which causes the exact error posted
    If the # is removed and reboot the sound is back to normal.

    They should update their scripts/info rather users get troubles and need to apply cmdline alsa or edit sudo nano /usr/share/alsa/alsa.confand change

    defaults.ctl.card 0 defaults.pcm.card 0 to defaults.ctl.card 1 defaults.pcm.card 1
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    @viragored said in USB Audio almost working – what am I missing?:

    The pop-up window box still reports "On-board audio disabled etc..." but basically it's all working :-)

    That's ok, the Audio menu is meant to configure only the on-board audio, hence the message. External (USB/GPIO) sound cards are not supported.

  • Pitfall and no audio

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    I finally have a solution that is working for me.

    I found that if I have the PulseAudio Volume Control application (pavucontrol) open and then start emulationstation, Pitfall will properly output it's audio via HDMI.

    As a kludge, I added PulseAudio Volume Control to my Startup Applications and now I consistently and seemingly have reliable audio output via HDMI.

    It makes no sense to me whatsoever, but my best guess is that having it open forces it to use the Digital Stereo (HDMI) Output profile.

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    @technicaljunky It's not a problem if PulseAudio is present - the only issue for you seems to be EmulationStation's audio settings, which should be solvable with the correct configuration.

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  • DualShock no audio

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    @matthewlawson3 said in DualShock no audio:

    At the time I checked I didn’t have the Dual Shock plugged in. Does that matter?

    No, it doesn't. Was making sure you didn't have PulseAudio installed. Here's a quick'n'dirty method to get rid of the audio switch:

    have a keyboard connected to the Pi or use SSH to connect to it exit EmulationStation and run the following commandecho blacklist snd-usb-audio | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-snd-usb-audio.conf reboot your Pi

    NOTE: this disables any USB based audio devices, so if you ever want to connect an audio sound card, remove the file you created (sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-snd-usb-audio.conf).

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    @ndk1979 please provide the information as requested here: https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first

    As you can see, people are trying to help but having to guess at how you've configured your setup and how you're running the game, and with what emulator. If you can give us more information it will enable us to assist better.

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    @Clyde Thanks - managed to create an image backup so I'm happy now :)

    But unfortunately I still haven't resolved this audio issue; do you have any pointers? From memory I don't think I've ever used OMXPlayer for video previous in the past, but as of recently if I don't use it then videos take ageeeees to load, so I have to use it, it would seem. But I can't for the life of me figure out why the audio won't work! As mentioned before, I'm trying to get this working through HDMI.

  • No sound in retropie

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    Thank you! I'll look more into dosbox in retropie. Not sure what I did to the sound, but wasn't much work to re-flash the sd card.

    Have a nice day.

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    @mitu Wow, well that definitely is a step in the right direction! Sound works, but is extremely low. I had to have the volume nearly all the way up, but then the emulator sound is nearly blowing the speaker.

    I only have sound with audio card set as sysdefault, HW, and default. All others will have the volume set to 0 when I go back into sound menu.
    Edit : As well as anything other than pcm for Audio Device

    I entered alsamixer, but didn't find anything useful there. Is there a way to control OMXplayer volume independant of software volume (or vice versa)?

    Temp fix noted: I added audio_volume = -24.0 into retroarch.cfg which for the most part normalizes OMXplayer video snap volume with LibRetro emulators. Since it's a miniature cabinet, I removed non-lr emulators that didn't really need to be on there. The only one I couldn't part with was Daphne (and OpenBOR when I set that back up)!

    note2: I altered daphne volume by creating a <gamename>.command file and adding volume variables (along with some other enhancements)
    -nocrc -volume_nonvldp 8 -volume_vldp 8 -noissues -nolog -noserversend
    Volume is rated 0-64. Daphne command line variables can be found here.

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    @fordpickup said in Sound Error and Final Fanstasy Origins Failure (PSX):

    (It didn't solve the weird sound error notification, but hey if it works it works!)

    I think that sound/alsa error comes from EmulationStation, not fro the emulator. Use the EmulationStation menu and play with the Sound settings - Audio Card/Device are the ones that produce this error. Most likely you can change the Audio Card from Default to something else and the error will go away.

  • No sound in EmulationStation or games

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    @bbloke I removed the link to the image - per the forum rules, there's no links to ROMs or copyrighted material.

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    I'm having the same issues with no sound. I am not used to tweek in the settings. Where is the cfg file and what did you change in it ?

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    Some mouse-only games are still setup to use just controllers and not the attached mouse/keyboard when you use the WHDLoad version. Populous, for example. I don't know what i need to do to unset that, so I can't make any suggestion for you on this either (if it's the case).

    My only other suggestion would be to disconnect your controllers before firing up an amiga game and/or switch USB ports so that your mouse and keyboard are on the lower port numbers (0 and 1).