@mitu said in pi5 CEA 1920x1080P impossibile to set:
Can you please post the output of the command I asked in my last reply ?
Hi MITU I finally solved problem with HDMI on Pi5 with Retropie:
First of all i have bought this KVM EDID Standard Emulator
Second problem are margins:
So I have modified
video=HDMI-A-1:1920x1080@60mD, margin_left=56,margin_right=56,margin_top=28,margin_bottom=28
And now finally my Pink (english) TV CEA works at 1920x1080p 60hz 148.500mhz
And EmulationStation is Centered and fit the screen (also in terminal).
So I think that KMS driver VC4 inside of Raspberry pi5 isn't compatibile with all possible vsynk + and hsynk - or inverted parameters of polarity, is only compatible with vsynk+ and hsynk+.
The KVM emulators (around 3 dollars) solved all my problems.