OK time for feedback. I have succeed to download videos and boxart only, but without game description. How did I do (please, remember that I am on Ubuntu) :
download the latest Stephen's scraper program here :
https://github.com/sselph/scraper/releases and put the scraper file into the wii (or the related console) directory list item
have your own videos into a folder named for example videos
download boxarts on libretro project :
http://thumbnailpacks.libretro.com/ and put them into a folder named for example boxart
make sure that iso names are EXACTLY the same as boxart and videos names
use Krenamer or any other batch rename program to rename :
-boxarts : add -imagesuffix before .png extension
-videos : add -videosuffix before .mp4 extension
put all boxart and video files into the same folder named
images (very important)
then open a terminal and go to the rom directory cd /RetroPie/roms/wii/
and put the following command : ./scraper -add_not_found=true -download_videos=false -img_format=png -download_images=false. For your information :
-add_not_found=truemeans it adds roms that are not found as an empty gamelist entry
-download_videos=falsemeans it checks the local videos only
-img_format=pngmeans it checks the png files (because default check is jpg)
-download_images=falsemeans it checks the local images only