I would not recommend using xboxdrv anymore. It used to be the go-to for 360 controllers but Xpad is now better. Here's some documentation on it:
As for the version that you are currently running, there is no easy command to run to get this. Here is a Reddit post that mentions (in the comments) how to find out what version you have from Github which you'd then need to compare to what is on your screen.
As I understand it, the reason there is not an easy, one-line command is because Retropie is not one big program. Instead it is a ton of smaller programs all bound together. If you think about the many emulators that you can run on Retropie, each emulation program has its own version. This might be an oversimplification but it is how I understand it from the research I've done.
You can always follow this wiki update guide (same website as the top) to make sure you are on the latest but there is always the chance of messing up the current settings/controls you have set.
Best case scenario for you, you will see xpad on the list of drivers, install it, and things work well. But my experience is that if you change one thing, others will be modified accidentally.