• Rpi3+Pidrive+ntfs?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Why didn't you install RetroPie on the PiDrive? All you need to do is install BerryBoot on the SD card, add the retropie image to the USB drive and install it via BerryBoot.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    I was actually just about to post when you replied.

    I decided to just read through the man page and found that the syntax that the GitHub repo suggests, while works in some cases, was incorrect. At least in that it didn't work for me, I ended up using:

    $user $machinename = NOPSSWD : ALL

    Thanks for the help! Guess I should have just read that in the first place before asking.

  • Shutdown button not working :(

    0 Votes
    6 Posts


    never copy and paste the python script. HAND type it. its not that big and it wont take that long.

    Now that you said this, I noticed on your original post that you had something like “shutdown -h now” but those quotes aren't recognized as quote by the RPi. They need to be ASCII quotes like this "shutdown -h now" so when you retyped it by hand you actually fixed these quotes!

    We just talked about this the other day.

    I'm sure there are some ppl just <sighing> about this and think that its silly that I got these confused

    I wouldn't worry about that and most of the ppl on this forum are here to help and to learn. Hopefully someone else finds this and it helps them resolve their wrong use of quotation dilemmas lol.

  • I can't append disk image on my retroarch menu.

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Thank you for your advice. I will try both method.
    Have a great day~

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts


    I'm on 4.2.1 and I can confirm that ZDoom is ready and waiting under the 'Optional Packages'. As far as 'Brutal Doom' goes, I have it installed and it tends to run pretty well unless you have the enemies cranked all the way up to 'Nightmare' and do something like throw a grenade into an occupied room. Then it has to work out where all the blood an body parts are going to fall and the game will stop until it does. Playing it on 'Hurt Me Plenty' seems to run very well though. You should be able to install it without issue using the Documentation for ZDoom.

  • Changes owner back to root?

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @rridenour can you show a way to reproduce your issue?

  • PS3 controller: works in ES, not in games

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Did you follow the setup exactly? Also have you rebooted since you paired? If you have did you update you rc.local to include sixad --start & ?

  • Dreamcast: No systemManager.cdi file

    0 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Wip3out correct. Instead you should use the "+Start" entry.

  • issues running controlller on pifba

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    3 Posts

    @adamLazar no development is happening on pifba.

    If you're using a raspi3 you should try lr-fba for neogeo emulation. It's a lot easier to configure, etc.

    Maybe you'll need to find the "FB Alpha 2016 Reference Set" somewhere else (we don't share ROMs/links here) to get the compatible ROMs.

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @TMNTturtlguy in Configuration Editor, choose Configure basic libretro emulator options, Configuration default options or from a specific emulator, then Choose joy pad order.

  • 0 Votes
    28 Posts

    @meleu ??
    Help with Joystick Config and Understanding Retropie Controllers:

    nope, it seems freeze.
    And up in that menu, it appears the USB controller d PAd, but not the THT xxx (who is the joystick) so when i try to find it, im only able to see the Nintendo Retropad and the super nintendo buffalo retropad, but not the THT when i navigate with left and right (and none appears too).

    Im able to see the THT in the menu of input that i referred in the other post
    Under settings - INPUT - Input User 1 Binds

    Is there a "manual" map in order to change it with a keyboard? where it supose to be that config file? only for fba

  • 0 Votes
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    No one has replied
  • N64 controller setup

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    7 Posts


    Okay, I tried reading through the wiki, and I couldn't figure out what they were trying to describe. I ended up getting the button numbers of the n64 usb controller, which is labeled as 'Dragonfire xxx' on screen and in console.

    I went in and modified InputAutoCfg.ini and it looks like this now:


    (I could probably remove all the controllers except the dragonfire one, but this file is written by ES so it would probably add them back in once I configured a new input.

    I also pasted in my retroarch.cfg file in there. I couldn't find out in that file to explicitly map my buttons to the individual buttons for n64, and had no idea what the property name needed to be to assign the value. With that, I also don't know how to tell the retroarch.cfg file to only use those mappings on the Dragonfire (n64) controller.

    In what I have now, the hot keys at least work (Start + Z) to exit the emulator, but the rest of the buttons are not mapped correctly.

    I set the default emulator for n64 to lr-mupen64.

    Could you offer me some advise, please?

  • ps3 controller installation issues

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    update your setup script and make sure it's on the latest version. I just compiled it using retropie_setup.sh and it worked fine.

  • SNES games now N64 after Selph Scraper

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    2 Posts

    Has it actually moved the files under the N64 folder? That's the first thing i'd check. After that it maybe that the extension .sfc has become associated with MUPEN instead of one of the snes emulators in Emulationstation. Check the first thing I said and reply back here. If it's not moved everything then we can check the second thing.

  • Sub-Folder Icons

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    5 Posts

    FYI for anyone browsing this in the future The first line of those 4 blank ones is the name of the folder, the second is the description, the third is the link to a thumbnail and I have no clue what the fourth one is. Might be worth adding this as a bug in the github though! The devs may be unaware that editing the meta data on a folder is not populating the fields like it should!

  • Can't get PS3 controllers to work in game

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    6 Posts

    OK for all 3 people in this thread having this issue, I just took five minutes and setup my ps3 controller to work over bluetooth.

    Please refer to this guide https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/PS3-Controller not some random youtube video when doing this. Also make sure you have at least a keyboard configured to work in ES.

    Once you have completed these steps and connected your PS3 controller via USB at least once as it asks you to do in the settings, then all you need to do is press whatever button you have configured as start for your keyboard in ES, then scroll down to configure controller, last HOLD the PS button until it takes you to the next page where you can map the controls! Done.

    Oh also don't forget to "sudo nano /etc/rc.local" and add in the sixad --start & somewhere before the exit 0 line. I recommend also adding #This line starts Sixaxis pairing on startup directly above the sixad line so you know what the hell it does, that's just my preference though and has no bearing on making it work and presist through a reboot.

  • Install on top of NOOBS

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    6 Posts

    With the initial instal you should have folders for all the systems supported.


    this is an example of how the roms directory will look inside something like WinSCP. You can also access your roms directory through samba by typing \\RETROPIE into your file explorer's menu or alternatively \Exa.mple.Ip.Address for example mine would be \\

  • Ir-FBA Controller problems

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    4 Posts

    @Kristopherson05 Have you noticed that there are two options in that menu?:

    Save Core Remap File Save Game Remap File

    When I choose "Save Game Remap File" it does exactly what you want to do. And it works flawlessly for me (and many others). If it isn't working as it should be for you, I suggest you to delete the .rmp file and try it again.

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