• 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    @RandoCalrisian sorry. I wish I wish I knew more about the firmware. My IPAC4 device is an older version that uses a PS/2 to USB converter and it does not get recognized as a game pad at all. It's my understanding that this issue affects only the newer versions of these devices. I hate to send people to Andy for support every time, but as far as I know, he has been the only source cited by people who have obtained the replacement firmware. However, perhaps he has now incorporated it into the utility available online.

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  • RPI3 + PetroPie 4 + Kodi

    Locked Moved
    0 Votes
    7 Posts

    Next time you have an issue put it in the correct category. I moved it this time.

  • Install Error

    -2 Votes
    14 Posts

    @BuddhaOhneHals Please do not post a support request without first reading and following the advice in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first

    lr-mess won't work on Raspbian due to old gcc so we don't have a working mess currently for Raspbian.

  • Cant Get intellivision roms to work

    0 Votes
    15 Posts

    @videofx From the output you've given, it looks like your PS3 controller is not being picked up. There should be an entry with a line similar to N: Name="Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller".

    Try running cat /proc/bus/input/devices without running an Intellivision rom to see if the PS3 controller appears in the output. I presume you have it connected by USB? You may need to press the PS button to bring it out of its stale state.

  • Xin Mo board - how to configure 2 players on pi 3

    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Hi Graboid, sorry for such a delay in getting back! First chance I have had to have a proper look at this. I have followed your steps and I am 100% wired up according to your wiring diagram. I add the usb quirks line and reboot. On rebooting, none of the buttons work at all. I have tried pushing select and x together (as well as every other combination of two buttons) and cannot access the retroarch gui. I tried hitting f1 on the keyboard too and this won't do anything either so I can't see any way of accessing the retroarch gui to even see whether it now sees it as two controllers. However Lstest does show it as two controllers...

    any ideas? really appreciate your help and hopefully I can get this running! I am using a pi 3 and retropie v 4.1 (have tried older versions too). What are you using and what version of retropie are you using?

  • lr-fba-next DAT no-clones-no-neogeo request

    0 Votes
    20 Posts

    @Aksen I forgot I already made a date file for neogeo only for the latest lr-fba in this thread here

    This data file is also on the wiki page.

  • Xin mo problem with Player2

    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    hey mate, i'm stupid.
    i wiring alla exactly buttons and joy of player 1 in player 1 side of xin mo.
    and player 2 in p0 side of xin-mo.
    i unmount all wirings, and so, i after swap all wiring:
    player 1wired to p0 side
    player 2wiredto p1 side

    joystick of player 1 and 2 in up and down movements WORKS,
    select and start of p1are swapped after mapping and reboot,
    select and start of p2the same swapped after mapping and reboot,

    i can fix this about swapping select and start of player1?

    here my cmdline.txt

    # code block dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=serial0,115200 console=tty2 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait quiet loglevel=3 logo.nologo consoleblank=0 usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x040 plymouth.enable=0
  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @buzzyc some hubs work right and some dont. I did a gameboy zero with an all in one-ish board and the usb hub built on the board reads the built in on board controller fine and the usb reads my wireless mini usb/trackball mouse. But it wont recognize my wireless n adapter and my full size keyboard crashes it. But in my arcade block mini genesis usb hub and the rockband hub i can run everything just fine. Mostly. On my rockband hubs if i have to set up wifi i need to remove everything but the wifi and the keyboard otherwise it takes like thirty tries to get the pi zero to accept the wifi key. Havent tested that on my genesis usb hub

  • MAME roms not all working

    0 Votes
    53 Posts

    @mrbwa1 said in MAME roms not all working:

    One of these days I will go back throug and build out a rom set with only the roms I need

    That's what makes a non-merged sets so nice. It's one game per zip archive with nothing extra added. I built a non-merge set for every set related to RetroPie MAME and keep it so I can quickly reference any particular game. Waste of space but oh so convenient.

    but first I have to play through and see what I want!

    I feel for you here! It's a rough evening playing through to sort games. ;)

  • N64 Emulator choppy/slow/locks

    0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @BuZz Sure,

    PSU: 5v 2.5amp
    Emulator: Mupen64plus-GlideN64
    Pi: 3 B
    Retropie ver. 4.1

    updated emulator from source

    USB Devices connected: Keyboard
    Controller used: Wii U Pro Controller Bluetooth

  • Two Wii U Pro Controllers working as player one

    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Oh man...

    I'd love an answer to this. I have two Wii U Pros and things just don't work right when I attempt use them both.

    They are both registered devices via the onboard BT. As you said, they both show as being player 1 on each controller.

    The wife and I get lots of crashing, random button presses, and even phantom rumbles from the unused controller when it is just sitting there. My solution has been to just disconnect one and not use it. But, that sucks.

    I'd love to be able to use two Wii U Pros at the same time....


  • Installing lr-prboom fails

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @BuZz , well I did not succeed installing lr-prboom or zdoom using the retropie-setup. Debugging was a bit hard, because I could not see the error message: after failure the retropie-setup reappears. So I suppose the error in the retropie-setup was the same as in my first command line attempt.
    Are there any known issues regarding the install of these ports via retropie-setup anyway?

  • Retropie Not Showing On HomeGroup Anymore

    0 Votes
    19 Posts

    @NecroCorey When you go directly to it that way, it can sometime rebuild the master browser tables.

    To be honest, Network Neighborhood has always been flaky (especially in the Windows 98 and XP days) so I always just type in the name directly.

    I despise the backslashes since everything else in the world uses forward slashes. I think it was just baked into Microsoft stuff for so long that once the WWW appeared, it was too late to change things.

    If you want, once you are connect to the pi, you can click on the little icon to the left of the address bar and drag it to the desktop to create a permanent link to "\retropie" (or once you see it in network again, click and drag to make a desktop shortcut). That might save future hassles.

    EDIT: You are welcome for the help. My programming skills aren't good enough to contribute to Retropie, but I have years of tech support experience, so I just try to help out where I can.

  • Upgrade pi1 to pi3

    0 Votes
    17 Posts

    Yeah, went through there and didn't find it before 'cuz it was buried in Raspbian Tools. Was just coming back to say I found it. Thank you though! :)

  • Trouble exiting Kodi

    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @markyh444 Thanks! I was looking but probably had too many tags in my search. Thanks!

  • 0 Votes
    6 Posts

    @AlphaOrionis In the middle of playing a game the bluetooth connection disconnected and I'm back to square one with the same issue I had previously.

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @CaelThunderwing Did you find any good 1:1 settings from a GB game to GBC? I haven't, even in the RetroArch config options. Eg. the color from Pokemon Blue does not match what it would be if I put it into an actual GBC (where Charmander would be red and Bulbasaur be green). I tried changing the file format to GBC with no avail.

  • No Wifi Results after using Disconnect/Remove Wifi Config

    0 Votes
    33 Posts

    I have now narrowed the steps to reproducing this issue on a newly flashed USB and boot Micro SD.

    Use this guide to enable wiimote connections. Install the "old format hiscore.dat" in the mame2003 bios as explained in the high scores section here. Enable Root Login over SSH by doing the following: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Change PermitRootLogin to "PermitRootLogin yes" Enter "sudo passwd root" then enter in the root password. Restart for changes to take effect

    I'm still trying to narrow it down even farther.

    So far, finishing with the Wiimote steps has triggered the issue and finishing with the hiscore.dat has triggered the issue (which is really strange).

    Edit: Upon narrowing it even further. You don't need to be running off USB for this to occur. All you have to do is follow the wiimote connection guide to cause this issue.

    Based on this info I can assume that it's also inconsistent when the issue will first occur after following these steps, as one reboot often wasn't enough to cause it.

    I've now narrowed down the cause to the following line in "/home/pi/bin/attachwii.sh".

    wminput -d -q -c /home/pi/mywminput 00:1C:BE:F2:D8:64 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

    The '&' at the very end of the line is the cause of this. Removing the '&' and then running it does not cause the same issue.

    Now the problem seems to be that removing the '&' at the end will not allow your system to finish booting if you have "/home/pi/bin/attachwii.sh" run on startup. Now the question is getting a little more specific as what to fix so I'll create a new post and link it below:


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