@ByteThis it's definitely not the scraper. When i'm connected to the internet it runs great. But my pi won't stay connected longer than like 15 minutes. I was told to disable ipv6. Which I thought I did...But I got kicked off again. Reinstalling.
Post Update:
With this command I can display without problem "image-test.gif" in this case, I think the problem is something in the retropie configuration that I can't see
@mitu ok but yes, i tried different roms and the bios is there and correct, validatd the hash. it is getting recognized by mGBA too. i thought maybe it's related so i answered in this thread. It really seems like a BIOS problem though because at first start there is no gba intro only after the restart and the following restarts the intro appears, really weird problem. Are there other known gba roms with skip-intro problems maybe so i could test those?
I try to pair a 2nd PS3 controller to my Raspberry Pi Zero W.
But it doesn't work.
Hardware: Raspberry Pi Zero W
Bluetooth: onboad BT
RetroPie: 4.5.15
Driver: sixaxis
I was able to successfully pair 1 controller, but I cannot pair a 2nd one.
The 2nd controller works if I connect it via USB, so the controller should be fine
(I tried 3 other controllers, for all the same behavior)
How can I pair more than 1 PS3 controller, preferably with the onboad BT controller.
Thank a lot and cheers!
PS: If I missed a documentation for that specific problem I am find with a pointer to the RTFM ;)
Ok. I followed the instructions. I plugged in the PS3 controller during the Emulation Station startup screen.
No luck. :( Is there a specific time when i'm supposed to plug the controller in?
anything is possible, but tbh it looks like more truble than it will be worth.
obviusly you will need to remove some of the board and you will most likely also need a new control board for the screen and will therefore most likely not fit inside the old case either.
cosiddering all this and the fact that you had to ask if it was possible, i would say this is likely a job way above your skillset and not worth the efford, for you.
personally i would just get one of the many kits available.
@ignatius We don't offer support for 3rd party images - especially the ones sold with RetroPie - https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first. Selling RetroPie is agains the project's license, so you just enriched a scammer. You should ask the seller for support.
I used a Sandisk Ultra 32GB MicroSD HC I the first time and worked fine. The other memory stick I used is the Micro SDXC 10 256GB MicroSD XC 1 1 (This memory stick I the one that’s giving me troubles). The power supply I used was a EasyAcc 5V 2A Micro USB power supply. The raspberry pi zero w was purchased from the adafruit website.