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Advanced EmulationStation Theming

About This Tutorial

In this tutorial I'm going to take you through some of the more advanced features available when creating a theme for Emulationstation and RetroPie.

Default Theme

Themes can now provide a default theme that will be used when then the theme does not provide specific support for a given system. The default theme must be defined in theme.xml which is in the root of the theme directory.

An existing feature of EmulationStation is that the system logo will default to text if an image is not specified. Additional theme options have been added for the logo text to give theme creators more control over the appearance.

Below is an example implementation of a default theme for carbon. It is very similar to the existing system themes. The main change is the addition of the logoText element. In addition, the paths for the logos have been adjusted to take advantage of the new theme variables feature. In this case, it will try to load the logo image, if it is not found, then it will render the logo as text.


    <view name="system">

        <image name="ControllerOverlay" extra="true">
            <pos>0.5 0.2</pos>
            <origin>0.5 0.5</origin>
            <size>0.3 0</size>

        <image name="logo">

        <text name="logoText">

    <view name="basic, detailed, video">

        <text name="logoText">
            <pos>0.0 0.02</pos>
            <size>0.460 0.126</size>
        <image name="logo">
            <pos>0.266 0.074</pos>
            <maxSize>0.460 0.126</maxSize>
            <origin>0.5 0.5</origin>

        <image name="logo2" extra="true">
            <pos>0.874 0.074</pos>
            <maxSize>0.460 0.126</maxSize>
            <origin>0.5 0.5</origin>

Properties of the system carousel:

<pos>x y</pos> Specifies where the carousel will be placed on the screen. X is the horizontal position. Y is the vertical position. Values for X and Y can range from 0 to 1.

<origin></origin> Specifies which part of the carousel is used by the tag. 0 0 is the default and will position the carousel using the top, left corner. 0.5 0.5 will use the center of the carousel for positioning. 1 1 will the bottom, right corner.

<type></type> Specifies the type of carousel. The types are: * horizontal (default) Logos/logotext scrolls left/right. * vertical Logos/logotext scrolls up/down. * horizontal_wheel Logos/logotext scrolls left/right but with curvature. * vertical_wheel Logos/logotext scrolls up/down but with curvature.

<logoRotation></logoRotation> Coming soon

<logoRotationOrigin></logoRotationOrigin> Coming soon

<logoCount></logoCount> Specifies the number of systems/logos/logotexts that will appear in the carousel.

<maxLogoCount></maxLogoCount> Same thing?

<logoScale></logoScale> Specifies how much bigger the currently selected logo/logotext will be. For example, a value of 2 will make the currently selected logo/logotext 2 times bigger than the other logos in the carousel.

<size></size> Specifies how big the carousel 'bar' or 'wheel' will be. This has no bearing on how big the logos/logotext will be. Basically only affects the size of the background color of the carousel and how the carousel is positioned.

<color></color> Specifies the background color of the carousel using hexadecimal notation. A fourth octet can be added to specify opacity of the background. For example, FFFFFF would make the background white. So would FFFFFFFF. However, FFFFFF00 would make the background white but completely transparent.

Adding Video Support

Coming Soon.