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Please check FinalBurn-Neo for for basic information about controls and managing ROMs - this page is for specific information about the lr-fbneo emulator's features.

lr-fbneo is a popular choice for the Raspberry Pi 2 and up, as it supports the latest FBNeo romset, and a broad set of features. FBNeo will usually outperform recent MAME in the games they both support, as its framework is more minimalistic and it tries to avoid wasting cpu power. Also, it is a libretro core, so enjoys all the benefits of that: centralised controller configurations, many customisation options, netplay, shader/overlay support, etc.

System menu

By default, if you hold the Start button for a few seconds, the ROM system menu appears. Here you can set various game options, typically including 'Free Play' modes, regional settings, etc. Settings are saved in .fs files in the ROMS directory for the system in use, and are loaded automatically on next use.


lr-fbneo exposes all the dipswitch options of any given game as Core Options. See Setting Core Options. The dipswitches available will vary from game-to-game.

High scores

lr-fbneo will attempt to keep a permanent record of any high scores you set, but some games will not save these by default. There is a supplementary file that is automatically installed to your Pi that will enable high score saving for more games, called hiscore.dat. This file is updated regularly from the latest hiscore.dat file available from (not the "old format"). It is located in:

When high scores are saved, they are kept in the current rom directory as gamename.hi files.

Arcade layouts

lr-fbneo has been configured to use the SNES layout in six-button fighting games. That is:

| Y  X  L |
|         |
| B  A  R |
So arcade stick should be setup accordingly.


Some sound effects in a few older (typically pre-1986) arcade games are difficult/impossible to emulate. Instead, audio clips of these effects can be downloaded and automatically played at the appropriate times. FBNeo additionally supports the use of some higher quality samples such as the CD audio rips from the console version of Donpachi. Samples are often included in a romset, or you can find some at Place them into:



For Neo Geo games, you may want to use the UNIVERSE BIOS/UNIBIOS - an advanced Neo Geo bios that allows region selection, cheats, dip-switch control, and more. To enable it, change the Core Option for Neo-Geo mode to UNIBIOS. See Setting Core Options.

Note that this will automatically use the latest version of the UNIBIOS available in your If you want to select a specific version, use the BIOS Core Option, however note that this setting applies per-game, rather than system-wide, like the Neo Geo mode setting.

Use the B button to go back to the Quick Menu and select Restart Content then Resume Content. You should see the Unibios boot screen before the usual "Max 330 Mega Pro-Gear Spec" screen.

Instructions on how to use the UNIBIOS can be found here: Neo-Geo - Bios.

Neo Geo Overclocking

The Neo Geo system infamously has several games in its library that push the system beyond its original capabilities, causing slowdowns during busy moments. Metal Slug 2 is a particularly egregious example. With lr-fbneo you can - inauthentically - reduce and sometimes avoid such situations by 'overclocking' the emulated CPU.

Note: This may have undesired effects such as increasing the music or game speed.

Change the Core Option for CPU overclock. See Setting Core Options. By raising the number beyond 100, you increase the CPU speed.

Feature requests

Please use the forum for all support issues, but feature requests can be made on the GitHub page.