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Virtual Boy


The Virtual Boy was Nintendo's attempt at virtual reality in 1995 and it was a horrid commercial failure.

Emulator Rom Folder Extension BIOS Controller Config
lr-beetle-vb virtualboy .7z .vb .zip none /opt/retropie/configs/virtualboy/retroarch.cfg

Emulator: lr-beetle-vb


Accepted File Extension: .7z .vb .zip

Place your Virtual Boy ROMs in



Game Specific Control Information

If you have a limited input method such as an snes-style controller or handheld, then the spreadsheet below will help you figure out which games you will be able to play.

Virtual Boy - General Game Info

If you want to improve the spreadsheet, then request editing permission and you will be approved in a timely manner.

lr-beetle-vb Controls

lr-beetle-vb utilises Retroarch configurations

Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in

For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration


Enabling Right D-Pad to Right Analog Stick

Just go to the Options in the Quick Menu and enable "Right analog to digital". If the option isn't in the menu, then update lr-beetle-vb.

For a closer replication of the Virtual Boy's unique dual d-pad input, you may also want to toggle the left d-pad to the left analog stick in Controls.