• 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @tielax11 said in Joystick not working in game:

    Built From: [64gb]-CRT.Blast.Arcade.RPi4.ES.AM.Dual.Monitor-DynamicDuo image

    This is a third party preconfigured image. Such unofficial images are not supported. Please seek support from the author of the image or install the official image.

  • 0 Votes
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    @Grasscastle please give more information about your setup as requested in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first

  • 0 Votes
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    @paulfecht Why don't you open a separate topic and describe your setup (see https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first) and your problem ?
    You may get a response from other forum users as-well - the original topic poster hasn't logged in since they responded to this topic.

  • 0 Votes
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    Ok this case is solved or fixed , whatever you want to call it. I was able to connect controller to a windows machine , it will not connect with current micro usb , so I tried some others until one worked . I was able to see this in the device manager as a HID- compliant game controller. So now I tried it back on the Linux machine. checked in terminal with the lsmod and lsusb commands it came back as this.Screenshot at 2021-12-03 10-40-41.png Screenshot at 2021-12-03 10-45-00.png Then I tried it in Retropie. On the config screen it detected the Ximo msg. Controller works on games but have to spend some time mapping out. Something so simple ,crazy. I also tried it on another Linux machine with no Nano edit , it detected and worked fine ,so this is a plug and play device. Screenshot at 2021-11-30 10-29-30.png Thanks again for the input / help .

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    Please add more info about your system, as detailed in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first.

  • Xin-mo on fresh Stretch build

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    I have a custom bar top arcade which has menu buttons on a front panel to navigate Emulationstation. I found another bit of configs I needed to place into es_input.cfg:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>


    <inputConfig type="joystick" deviceName="Xin-Mo Xin-Mo Dual Arcade" deviceGUID="03000000c0160000e105000001010000">
    <input name="a" type="button" id="11" value="1" />
    <input name="b" type="button" id="8" value="1" />
    <input name="down" type="axis" id="1" value="1" />
    <input name="left" type="axis" id="0" value="-1" />
    <input name="leftbottom" type="button" id="2" value="1" />
    <input name="right" type="axis" id="0" value="1" />
    <input name="rightbottom" type="button" id="5" value="1" />
    <input name="select" type="button" id="9" value="1" />
    <input name="start" type="button" id="10" value="1" />
    <input name="up" type="axis" id="1" value="-1" />
    <input name="x" type="button" id="1" value="1" />
    <input name="y" type="button" id="0" value="1" />

    Sorry for the false alarm. :/

  • -1 Votes
    13 Posts

    Kinda sucks all around. I love both sides here. I've been with the RetroPie group for a couple of years now. I make one little comment about how I wish N64 games ran better on the Pi3, and I got a reply back almost instantly about trying this "Odroid XU4" and the Odroid Arena build. I'd never heard of it before, and thought I'd check them out. I myself made the assumption that this build was still in it's fragile infancy, and bolstered my arrogance around their Discord channel like I owned the place. I had thought that my growing knowledge of how RetroPie works, and how to make things work with it, would help their community advance. I thought I came across cool and helpful but it was mistaken as an arrogant attempt at making the guys over there feel inadequate in their development. Because of that, I was temporary banned from their channel, and muted from their Facebook. I was completely wrong and have come full circle. My knowledge, in fact, is primitive to what the guys over there know and have been doing from the ground up. They've taken a device and built upon it with what they have available, and have come up with a working system that is as good as (if not better in some areas than) the current release of RetroPie for Raspberry Pi's. I've become humbled by the staff and have been trying to assist that community where I can. There are issues, yes, but it's something that is being worked on daily, just like how RetroPie is. They aren't focused on developing for just one SBC either. Think of how LibreELEC is developed to provide Kodi to many devices, not just Pi's. This is where their team has gone too. Yes, RetroPie also supports other devices, but RetroPie falls short in their support. You provide simple instructions on where to start then leave the user in the dust struggling to find help by saying things like "it's YOUR problem" or "contact Odroid". The problem isn't always related to the hardware.

    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think it's great what both sides are doing for the community. Sure, better support is needed, but that's no reason to say the team is producing "ugly hacks". We need to work together, not distance ourselves further apart.

    There, I've said my peace. Long Live RetroPie and Long Live TheORA!

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    @johnes Did you configure the controller in Emulationstation as described here ? This should get you the proper mapping in Emulationstation (i.e. Start brings up the ES menu, Select the edit menu, etc.).

    Please add more info about your system - as requested in https://retropie.org.uk/forum/topic/3/read-this-first - and specify which version are you using and which emulator do you have the behaviour your're seeing for the extra buttons.

  • Yet another Xin-Mo Problem

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    I guess what I wrote earlier showed the problem.
    Will hardcode the retroarch.cfg with correct axis values.
    LEFT= -2

    LEFT= -0

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    I am having the same issue mine comes up with o LG one gamepad recognized. I have a 3B+ with retropie 4.4. I have tried the custom kernel 1.20160322-1 and the cmdline.txt with no luck. The kernel install fails though so I'm not sure how to get around that or if it would even work on a 3B+ at all.

  • 0 Votes
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    If there’s anyone still there.

    I’ve managed to change them so retroarch sees my numbered buttons. It still won’t save. When I go into input for user two and click bind default all it changes to how I want it. But it just won’t save!!

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    @bdk said in Retropie 4.4 Controller Issues - Xin-Mo & Multiple Controllers:

    @bdk said in Retropie 4.4 Controller Issues - Xin-Mo & Multiple Controllers:

    Hello All,

    I am having a heck of time trying to keep my controller configs set on Retropie 4.4. I have a bar-top arcade that has two Xin-Mo controllers. Each Joystick has
    6 buttons
    1 joystick
    player 1(start)
    Coin (select)

    In Retropie 4.3 this all worked great. This button configuration worked for all emulators I have atari , dreamcast, nin, sega, arcade etc...

    What is happening now is the controller will work for a few correctly meaning I can move up and down get into games and out of the emulators. At some point it just stops working and I can not get out of the emulators. I can still move up and down and buttons to get into emulators seem to work but they fail to get me out of emulator.
    Another thing I noticed it seems as soon as I plug in my Logitech Gamepad F310 that just works right out of the box with everything it starts to mess up the arcade sticks. It seems I can only have 2 joysticks configured.

    I have tried a lot of the stuff people have said to do on forums. This is what I have done.

    Add this line to cmdline.txt "usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x040" Used multiple - Xin-Mo Xin-Mo Dual Arcade.cfg & Xin-MoXin-MoDualArcade.cfg Configured my own Xin-Mo Xin-Mo Dual Arcade.cfg & Xin-MoXin-MoDualArcade.cfg I am currently evaluating this posting. I am concerned to do any of this since this is an old article and we are on Stretch now.

    Is anyone else having issues like this? Have you been able to get past them?

    Retropie 4.4
    Pi 3b+

    Thanks in advance!

    Update 5/14/2018 - I finally had a chance to really look at this issue and the problem looks like it has to do with RetroArch not saving Userbinds 3-5 . I can save the configs for the 1st two input binds but nothing after that. So I am looking into why I can not save bind 3 on.

    ***Update 5/17/2018 - Now Working
    Boy this has been tricky but I learned a lot about Retropie trying to figure this out. A little silver lining. I think I got it fixed. This is what I did.

    At some point I must of updated my OS that removed the line in the cmdline.txt on the root of the SD card- usbhid.quirks=0x16c0:0x05e1:0x040.
    I re-added the line
    Wipped out emulation station information from the cli cmd line gui tool
    Reconfigured joysticks and they worked.
    Back up image
    Then started loading all my packages
    I checked here and there still worked
    This is where I think it broke. I updated the retropie and the base OS and when rebooted my arcade joystick 2 was #1 and emulation station recofig would not work and hot keys did not work.
    Went into Retro Arch and noticed a few things.
    I thought I lost the cmdline.txt line that I mentioned in the begging but I did not, it was still there. The file did update though because I know I had another configuration in there that is no longer in that file but that was not what broke my controller. I did the following.

    I went to RetroArch configuration.

    Menu Toggle Gamepad combo was set to "start-Select" which I had it to none before. - I changed it back to "none" Save Configuration on exit was not set to yes it was now set to NO - I set it back to "Yes" My inputs where all messed up. Joystick 2 was 1 and GPIO was 1 and 3. I set Joystick 1 to 1 and save config, Set Joystick 2 to 2 saved and then set GPIO to 3. as a side note my keyboard worked even though it did not show up as a controller. I saved and rebooted and everything now seems to be working. I can get into games and my hot keys are working.

    I am doing a backup now. Once it is done I plan to make sure Keyboard is configured and my Logitech F3 joypad is working. Since this is an Arcade cabinet I am more concerned about Xin-Mo.

  • Xinmotek Dual USB Controller Lag

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    Just to update, I opted to instead go with Sanwa sticks as they are the perfect size with the same screw holes and apparently the top of the line based on the recommendation of those in the know.


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    Well, the main problem has been solved.

    User error was the problem, (as expected). The thing that broke the dam was figuring out that the input_..._btn entries were for the controls vs. input_...(no _btn) entries. When I looked closer, I figured out I didn't have a complete set of hotkey inputs for the keyboard or the controller in the .../all/retroarch.cfg file.

    So that is sorted. I still would like to know the answers to the other questions, but I can live with this.


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    Ok, after some investigation, here are some afterthoughts. If I go in and remap the controller in Emulation Station, and switch my Start and Select buttons, it seems to be fine (other then not being mapped to the button I want them to be on the cabinet). With this set up, if I go into, say the NES emulator, the Start and Select work fine in the game and pressing both together allows me to exit the emulator. Now if I switch them back, Start works fine, Select immediately exits the emulator. If I map them to 2 other random buttons in my 6 button layout, everything works fine in the emulator, but pushing them together will not exit the emulator.

    One thing that I did notice, is looking at the layout instructions that came with the Xin-Mo, it shows for player 1 that the Start button should be #9, and the Select should be #10. When I map the controller in ES, the Start button shows up as 9, but the Select shows up as 8. So, it's possible I have the Select button wired to the wrong input on the Xin-Mo board. This maybe a stupid question, but would it make that much of a difference? I mean, I'm telling it to map a control to a certain button.

    I'm going to pull the control apart tonight and double check my wiring.

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  • Xin-Mo + Xin-Mo = 4 players

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    @Hungry-Gorilla btw I'm on Retropie 4.1

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    @batesman said in key settings problem in DAPHNE with Xin-Mo:

    Sorry if I was unclear. Can you send me ALL the jtest values for movements and buttons?

    ok, how i can print the values ? ;)
    there is method to print of the result in a file?

  • Reys image and Xin Mo

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    I understand and can see how this can get out of hand in regards to correct people to discuss support with once folks start mixing together bits and pieces from several areas. Hopefully this post will be a notice for others to not bombard you guys. I appreciate the incredible work you've all done and great community support!