@dankcushions said in Slow downs:
are you sure this isn't native slowdown on the original hardware? super castlevania IV is particularly infamous for this, in the bits you mention. eg https://forum.digitpress.com/forum/showthread.php?131637-Super-Castlevania-IV-Slowdown
Good idea! I think your on to something - RetroPie emulating things TOO well - including slow down that's there on the actual console itself.
I experienced this first hand on a Pi 3 when I first started messing with them - but with Castlevania (1) on NES. Think it was the first boss which had bad slowdown. When I tried it on my NES console itself (on a glorious retro CRT TV ;) the SAME exact thing happened. Thus the emulation is emulating how the actual SNES (or NES) played that particular game - slowdown and all.