@steeluth said in Retropie ES config 3B+:
Following the guide I first installed the Bookworm from here > Raspberry Pi OS with desktop and recommended software and then retropie on top using image files provided and all went well.
You basically re-wrote the RetroPie image on the sdcard, over the newer RaspiOS image that you installed initially - while you may have the latest RetroPie version, you're still using an older version of RaspiOS (based on Debian buster).
The RetroPie image is using by default the pi user to operate, if you're using a different username, the installed front-end and emulators will not work. I advise you to re-flash the RetroPie image from the download page for your Pi model and boot it up, then continue from there. The system should reboot on the 1st start and then it will start automatically with EmulationStation.
If you want to use a newer RaspiOS, then you can install the Lite version and manually install RetroPie as described in the docs.