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    @panamanian I think you need to get the 8Bitdo Wireless USB Adapter

    Please someone correct me if I'm wrong?

    Edit: No. I was wrong.
    Controller Compatibility
    8Bitdo controllers and arcade sticks (excluding 2.4G controllers)

    That's to bad. Wish they would release a USB Adapter for the 2.4ghz models.

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    @mitu No, I did it but the behaviour is still the same, as the 8bitdo N30 pro (with the difference that it doesn’t have the TURBO button).

    USB >> 8Bitdo NES30 Arcade
    Bluetooth >> szmy-power Ltd.Joypad

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    @lesk said in 4 Player and 4 Monitor Ikea Coffee Table Hack:

    What is the name of the second last game? The weird fighting game before the game with the airplane?

    Looks like Pocket Fighter for PS1/Saturn

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    @mitu said in 8bitdo dosent work in bluetooth mode:

    @lesk You would pair it just like for a PC (Windows). Normally just press Start for 3 seconds and it will start to blink blue with one pulse. I'd suggest you reset the controller to the defaults, remove the BT pairing from RetroPie and start again using the PC mode and do the pairing and then reconfiguring in ES.

    I did this. But still it does not work in any game. Only in Emulationstation as I stated before.

    I tried one thing last night. While connected via bluetooth I went into config and then retroarch.
    There I found user binding(or something like that under inputs) and I used my controller and rebind all the keys there, and pressed auto save config.
    Aaaaaand I could use it in game! But the hotkeys dont work. I cant quit games, cant load save slots or change save slots. So im still puzzled.

  • 8bitdo SN30 Pro as Xbox controller?

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    I fixed this by putting the SN30 Pro in Android mode. It is now working perfect.

    If the xboxdrv had anything to do with it, that would mean you couldn't use a SN30 Pro and a XBox controller at the same time.


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    I've recently put together a Retropie kit with RPI 3 and SN30 Pro controllers. I realise that these are not your controller and I'm pretty sure that this information came from this site, but in order for the controllers to be recognised as js0 and js1 they needed to be started in macOS mode (START+A), when used with the USB cables on a RPI. I also updated the firmware on the controllers.

    There is a command line tool (jstest) that can be used to test them. Again there is are youtube videos on this (checkout Floob's vids)

  • RetroPie not recognizing 8bitdo while wired

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    @thepuffpuff30 I’ve decided to give up on this controller.

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    @meleu thanks so much for making this script! I would be screwed without it! This should be added to the Retropie main builds! It's so useful!

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    It's to bad that the original SNES30 / SFC30 have been discontinued.

    Would love to see a Bluetooth version of the new SF30 2.4G / SN30 2.4G models or a new production run of the original models.

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    @peterd0404 said in 8bitdo SF Pro - up/down left/right are not the same analog joystick:

    I assume I have to modify emulators settings for the analog sticks. Are there instructions to modify that?

    Check the emulator page in the docs to see more details about input configuration. There are 2 kinds of emulators present in:

    Libretro based emulators - they're run from RetroArch and they all benefit from the same input configuration. You can easily recognize them by their name (lr-...). To configure them, just press Select + X while in-game and then you'll get the configuration menu for RetroArch where you can change your input settings and then save it.
    I'd suggest trying to set your gamepad with the Analog option - https://retropie.org.uk/docs/Playstation-1/#analog-controller-type

    Non-libretro emulators (like advmame), which have their own input configuration. RetroPie will try to pre-configure them, based on your input mapping from the Emulationstation configuration dialog, but some of them might require tweaking.

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    Unfortunately, you can only remove it globally. It would work for what you want, but the rest of the hotkey combos would be affected. For example, pressing 'start' by itself would always exit a game.

  • Problem with 8bitdo Zero FC30 controller

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    I did a little edit. Seems to be an issue with the 8bitdo FC30 Arcade Stick in bluetooth mode - but not in USB mode.

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    that's curious now.
    I just altered the bluetooth connection method to "boot" (instead of background), and the nes30 pad always immediatly reconnects after pressing the power button.
    I don't even have to wait a few seconds...

    I'm pretty sure I tried that mode the first time as well... with very different result.

    anyhow, still don't know how to figure out which firmware version is inside my 8Bitdo gamepad.

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    12 Posts

    @cyperghost said in My second project--another Nespi case build:

    Can you post the script here please?
    Would like to use it as I up to now use the bash script....

    Here is the python script I am using to watch both buttons. This script is effectively my Mausberry script and my RESET script:

    #!/usr/bin/env python # Import the RPi.GPIO and OS import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import os import time # Define which GPIO pins u're using for the Mausberry IN, OUT # (which are reversed in the script because mbOut comes to pi as input), # and reset buttons (change this to whatever pin you use) mbIn = 24 mbOut = 23 resetBtn = 25 # GPIO port setup GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # Set pin numbering to BROADCOM GPIO numbering GPIO.setup(mbOut, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # Set up pin as an input, pulled down GPIO.setup(mbIn, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(mbIn, 1) # Set pin value to 1. Mausberry watches for this to change to zero GPIO.setup(resetBtn, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # Set up pin as an input, pulled UP since shorting to GND # Define a function which will be called when Mausberry switch is triggered def interrupt_mbShutdown(channel): # Print indication to console print "You pressed the power button!" # Code for shutdown would go here os.system('sudo shutdown -h now') # Define a function which will be called when Mausberry switch is triggered def interrupt_resetBtn(channel): # Print indication to console print "You pressed the reset button!" # Code for reset would go here os.system('/home/pi/bin/exitemu.sh') # Enable shutdown switch interrupt to trigger on a raising edge (i.e. low-to-high transition) GPIO.add_event_detect(mbOut, GPIO.RISING, callback = interrupt_mbShutdown, bouncetime=1000) # Enable RESET button interrupt to trigger on a raising edge (i.e. low-to-high transition) GPIO.add_event_detect(resetBtn, GPIO.FALLING, callback = interrupt_resetBtn, bouncetime=1000) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Now just wait forever for the user to press a button # The sleep time doesn't really matter, make it long enough so it isn't wasting cpu cycles while 1: time.sleep(5)

    This gets called from my /etc/rc.local
    It also relies on the exitemu.sh which is a bash script that leverages insights from all of the previous work to kill the PID for whatever emulator might be running (returns you back to ES). I am just using the same script @lostless posted a while back. You could also just issue a sudo reboot. In any case, the second part I need to add is meleu's shutdown service to completely exit stuff when doing the full shutdown.

    So, I am not doing anything with soft shutdown requiring a diode/transistor. I have not gone that far yet because I am still using a sticky pushbutton instead of a momentary.

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    @jonnykesh have you ever heard of the controller connecting via Bluetooth, retropie detecting the game pad, but NONE of the buttons working on gamepad?? I’m going to try another gamepad, this is most recent 1.23 firmware update with the new-ish SN30 Pro.

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  • 8bitdo SF30 Pro and SN30 Pro

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    Sorry for opening up and older thread. I've had an SN30Pro in storage ever since I bought it, and never actually set it up. I'm working on a new build now and felt the time was ready. Anyway, I also purchased an SF30Pro just these past few days so I could have 2, and distinguish the difference (colors) between them. Upon syncing the 2nd controller (newer) I discovered the firmware on my 1st controller needed updated. The new one vibrated once it connected, but the first one didn't. So I'm now updated with the firmware and fully synced.

    The problem I'm having though is that it seems like the vibration isn't working in games that support it (mostly PSX games right now). Has anybody been able to get vibration to properly work with these controllers? Is the problem maybe because of the "input mode" I'm in? I believe I'm in Dinput mode (START+B) because that was the initial default. Should I be using Xinput (START+X) instead?