I know this topic is quite old but I have been unable to find any new relevant info in my fairly extensive searching. Has an OSK been implemented in anyway, addon, optional package, etc?
I want to create this OSK feature if nobody else has. My reasoning is not for wifi passwords as much as for actual emulator ease of use. For example, in the TI99/4A emulator you only need a keyboard to press "2" to start the game. After that it can be all joystick. A simple OSK would help with that and some other emulators.
If I decide to jump into this where would one start, EmulationStation, RetroArch, or individual emulator cores?
I picture this OSK being pulled up with the joypad hotkey anywhere in the middle of an emulation session.
I program but have never looked at the project's code. This task doesn't seem daunting on the surface..but I could be wrong. Any help appreciated in where to start. Thank you.