@martincrocenzi said in Segmentation Fault Screen:
@zoop did you reboot the raspberry? when exactly do you get that screen? Can you detail the text or message you receive? Any capture or pic? Which Raspberry do you have? Which sd card? Any other specs? Whta do you mean with too aggressive?
I used a kit I ordered from Amazon for my PI setup. The details may be found here, including the details on the SD card: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LWURJMI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Pi Model or other hardware: PI 3 Model B
Power Supply used: 5V/2.5A Power supply charger for Raspberry 3B
RetroPie Version Used (3.6, 3.8.1, 4.01 etc.. - do not write latest): 4.1
Built From: Pre made SD Image on RetroPie website
The overclock settings I am using without issues are (credit YouTube vid where I found them):
Stable settings for me:
When I bumped the arm_freq up to 1450 I received the aforementioned error. Resolving the issue on my end was as simple as modifying my config.txt to scale back the arm_freq to 1400 again and powering the system off then back on again. To my great relief everything just worked once the setting had been changed back to a stable configuration.
I do not 100% remember how the screen looked with the error. It may have just been a single line reading segmentation fault. All I remember for sure is there was a 'segmentation fault error' on the screen and I figured it had to be my OC settings. I just had to hope I had not corrupted my image or something..
Apologies for the delayed response, I hope you find what you're looking for and are able to resolve the issue. Best luck!