@Xerox_Boxington I just installed the desktop under Ports...
First two half-assed attempts failed for me. It was like when i updated the pixel packages and/or installed the package, it would halt, and then give me some msg about connection being lost. So i upped the game and tried some different stuff, and i have no idea as to which of the steps actually solved the problem, but i can tell you what i did, at least :)
I did a clean reboot, this time not pairing my PS3 bluetooth controllers, so only my wireless keyb/mouse.
Used keyboard to 'exit emulationstation', so my Pi was in the terminal state.
Then i went to my PC, connected to the Pi through Putty and did the rest of the steps from there.
First i updated the retropie-setup script successfully, then i updated the Pixel package successfully. You will not have doubt when it works; it will continuously write Linux'ish stuff to the screen about packages being downloaded, updated, unpacked, installed and what not. This will take a while. Keep a look at this, to make sure it goes smooth and there are no error msgs.
After that, i could install the Pixel package (still doing this from the PC through Putty with my Pi in the terminal screen).
When it was all done, i tried to type in 'startx' which it tell you to do in the tutorial that you linked, but i just got errormessages that it was no good... anyways, i did a 'sudo reboot', went to the orts menu, selected 'desktop' and my Linux desktop booted right up. VERY sexy :)
So, all this might be awfully clumsy considering that i still have very little knowledge about Linux and the RetroPie stuff, but i am sure that you can reproduce the steps and end up with a desktop too :)
On a sidenote, the Pi and RetroPie keeps on amazing me! If it was't for your initial post, i had never imagined that this could be done, so thank you :) Now i have a cool Linux PC + a badass emulation hub all in one sexy little package!