@Acidbased said in Save state failed:
So I can't figure out how to get my save state to work. I have the buttons configured but when attempting it always says failed
You do realize that you need to set up the save folders manually right? If you didn't set up the folder RPi doesn't know from which directory to load them from.
You can do this very quick via SMB. If you;re on windows open the following file:
The first two things you'll see are:
. Save all save files (*.srm) to this directory. This includes related files like .bsv, .rtc, .psrm, etc ...
. This will be overridden by explicit command line options.
savefile_directory = "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/SAVE/SAVE_FILES/"
. Save all save states (*.state) to this directory.
. This will be overridden by explicit command line options.
savestate_directory = "/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/SAVE/SAVE_STATE/"
In my example you see that I already added the paths of the folders. Just use the same paths as I did and save the file.
Now we need to make the folders, open up the following directory:
Create one folder and name it SAVE. Open up the SAVE folder and create two new folders. Name one SAVE_FILES and the other SAVE_STATE.
So now you have one folder (SAVE) which includes two folders SAVE_FILES and SAVE_STATES. Keep in mind everything is case sensitive.